I defend hillsbrad fields

I am the Hero Champion of the farmers at Hillsbrad.
Your horde alts are not welcome to quest there


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We have someone on our server who does this. He’s really made a name for himself.


(post not withdrawn by author, you are not my real mom)


We dare not speak the name of the legend


What is happening in this thread?


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an inside joke


You are doing Gods work.

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Thank you for your service!

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Justinblade’s disciples

(OG demon soul people would know)

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Isn’t level 19 a bit low for Hillsbrad?


Everyone needs a hobby I guess. I used to have a 29 twink rogue a while back that spent his life shanking alliance in duskwood. I tried to help out the scourge on a regular basis. I also shanked people in town. This was before they put in max level guard summons which they patched in for classic (so much for “nochanges”).


You are heroic .


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That’s so depressing, guards should be of the same level as the original game. Blizzard killing fun as usual.

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I was talking about the guard spawn script, which didn’t exist back then. But they also increased the level of the normal guards. They basically nuked world PVP on this launch.

What’s really insulting is that they don’t seem to care about other things they break with their custom changes. There’s a horde quest that sends you into the southshore graveyard. That used to be very easy back in the day. The guards weren’t high enough to aggro across the god damn map like they are now. You would just walk in, hit the graveyard, and walk out, not a problem at all. Now the guards are 10 levels higher than they’re supposed to be. That means they aggro miles away. They also run super fast. You basically have a die a few times to guards to do the quest.

Then the guy pops out saying he’ll get his revenge! Back then, he’d menace the town and kill everything in sight until high level alliance players showed up to remove him. He was a regular menace because he popped up everytime someone turned in the quest. Now he aggros 1-2 super guards and immediately gets wrecked… it’s sad.


I wonder if this guy is Gordo from the private servers.

Blizzard has made a few unfortunate mistakes, it makes me sad because even though the game is immensely fun and I am having a great time this game could have been even better.

Like your experience in south shore, cross roads spawns high level guards that I know didn’t because stirring up some wild world PvP by killing a few alts always brings out the mains. But since it’s classic wow and not vanilla, we get high level guards instead. That ruins the fun because not only does a friendly town have the grave yard advantage but also now high level guards.

That Heron or such elite guy wrecked me twice last night!