Can’t wait for the Belf tears
Hunter in Hillsbrad?
High level guards do not spawn in crossroads. I’ve been there for a week or so and there was an alliance priest killing NPC’s. The only issue she had was when she tried to kill the flight master. Other than that no high level guards.
what a thread necro… playing the long game here boiz. <3
I expect to see you there defending the farmers
July 2020, things have changed a bit since then.
Forsaken mains remember
Forsaken mains remember
Weaksauce 2020 necro from an ally who thinks they can PVP.
Weird when I go to hillsbrad it’s almost always run by horde.
This didn’t age well. He was probably on his 90% ally server and is now figuring out his faction can’t PVP.
I mean if you want BIGP can visit the Hillsbrad Fields and hunt lowbies all night again. Would you like that?
Most of big pvp are horrible at pvp anyway.
Dark times are coming for the lowbie horde of Nightslayer.
Big P is like Ironwolf Clan’s crazy ex-girlfriend always crying for attention and a weekly rodgering.
And that’s why IWC followed BIG P to anniversary?
So whats the deal with yall anyway? Did younguys share a server at one point and have a bit of a rivalry going?
I joined in Anniversary, but the guilds have a history since I think Grobb.