I defeated the mage tower tonight. My thoughts

People assume wanting them to tone it down means they want it to be dirt simple, while forgetting that balance is all about finding that healthy medium point.

Hence why Blizzard’s extreme correction approach to balance is widely mocked across the entire gaming industry.


Thank you Blizz for looking into this so quickly!! Keep it up!

Because blizzard did stealth buffs to some of the challenges the night before it went live. They even buffed challenges that were at the right difficulty on the PTR when they were tested. Certain trinkets also got nerfed for really no reason.


Can you please make sure they’re evaluated against the use of gems/consumables/enchants.

Right now I can see how the challenges make sense with all of the optimal ones active - but with the inflated costs, that easily runs players into the tens of thousands of gold, not including repair bills.

I more neutral approach would be to not allow them and things like drums to be used, and then have the challenges tuned against that criteria so that all players have the same chance. Otherwise players are being gouged by the AH goblins trying to extort them for as much as possible; e.g. 30k for some gems, and 6k PER potion, etc.


Is there a time frame? Or can we expect it to take until after it’s gone?

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More feedback and experiences: Experiences: Guradian MT scaling broken (Updated) - #100 by Murphhy-emerald-dream

  1. You quoted them literally talking to us in the thread and you still complain they are not talking to you.
  2. It’s not impossible because other people have done it, but I agree it’s overly difficult as of now.

I got really close. When you get Sigryn below 15% the CD on Blood of the Father becomes less than the CD on my Mortal Coil, so I panic and fear. Even if she gets the cast off, CC8bg her again will stagger/reduce the ticks of the spell, so I don’t die. I’m just under tremendous pressure by the time I get all 3 real low. If I can just get Sigryn down, I can tKe out the other 2 ezp. I’ve spent Bout 400k gold setting up my character for the MT. Gold well spent once I get it down.

I hope the devs are also considering this is a time walking event. The spirit of time walking has always been about experiencing past content not trying to give people depressing fits.


Just let us use our legendary items as the content was intended, /the end

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But this is a challenge and supposed to feel like one. They don’t have to be overly difficult but it can’t be a walk in the park either.

More in line?
What spec is currently fine?

This is a very deaf posts

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Imagine if there was like, a server, available to the public where such testing could be done.


I knew it! Also, thank you Linxy for keeping us updated! For real, we wish the blues would talk to us more. :frowning: OMG I can’t believe a manager posted in one of my threads! <3

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I would just hope that the tower will at least eventually be reasonable with solo-aquired gear. If I have to do high-level group content to get these transmogs, that’ll be very frustrating, given that it’s a solo-challenge (and group content already gets loads of awesome gear, mogs, titles, mounts, etc).

I also would hope that we’re not seriously expected to keep sets of old gear from previous expansions around. That’s just… really annoying. I get that some people like it, and that’s great if it gives them a little bit of an edge and makes them happy… it just should not be required.


This right here.

We shouldn’t be stuck in radio silence for 33hrs when something that is hyped is DoA. Please, for the love of all that is holy, please, at least respond within 12hrs, that’s more than reasonable

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There is no way you are serious.


Thank you so much for saying something about this!

The guardian challenge especially needs to be looked at again please. The whole reason the werebear was brought back and not the other MT skins is because it’s such a unique skeleton. Seeing even mythic+ players & other top tier players give up after all day trying made this goal feel unobtainable.

Please consider your average player above casual. And when I say “average player”, I’m not asking for a hand out for people who can’t even learn the mechanics. I do want a challenging and fun experience but I want it to be realistic for me, especially with only 2 weeks. Right now this challenge feels not just a little, but far out of reach.

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Ya think? It’s like you didn’t even test it or think about it at all!

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