I challenge the Disc priest devs to a cage fight

smiting around for 10k dmg and 8k absorb on people with 800k hp <3 what a pleasure… oh and sometimes(every 4 mins) I can press my iWin button and maybe score a kill whoop whoop much fun

buff disc.

I don’t think anything will change. My opinion is disc will still be weak, but we’ll see once we get full gear. Having to cast = you are a bad healer so I think the smite talent and atonement healing is useless, but it really depends on how slow/fast the meta is. If it slows down maybe disc could be alright.


Why is everyone obsessed with using the new fly in the air for damage with archangel up it tops your entire team.

I tried it last night too, shields seem to be big(only 22% mastery) right now and I don’t go oom with shield discipline.

Also I tried the new talent ultimate penitence and it damages and heals THROUGH smokebomb LOS but you have to target something outside it or have no target etc…

common blizzard…

  • Discipline

  • Developers’ notes: Discipline healing throughput (particularly in raids) is slightly higher than we would like, given their damage and utility contributions to the group. To balance them, we’re reducing some talents that are giving a lot of power for only 1 talent point. The goal is to improve talent balance while also bringing them in line with other healers.

    • Divine Aegis absorption reduced to 5% of healing done (was 10%).
    • Inescapable Torment damage reduced by approximately 19%.

why you forgot to add “Does not apply to PvP.”, they really want me to play a Monk/Druid healer… daaamn


top g disc priest

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