I can't take this no more

Now we’ve devolved to just full on name-calling? Nice.

Ya well that’s what I think of people who are misogynistic.

You throw around words like that because you think it’s a cute way to win e-points. But these are things real people really have to deal with. Misogyny and prejudices like it are things that really affect people… emotionally, monetarily, physically. And when you throw words like that around because you’re a coward and you think it gives you a safe space to hide behind… you make them less effective identifiers in the future. More and more when people hear words like misogyny, racist, sexist, they just roll their eyes because people like you have watered them down so much… and it lets actual racists, misogynists’ etc off. I know you think you’re being really edgy and cool but I honestly don’t appreciate you making light of what is actually a pretty real and serious subject.

TLDR: Be better.

There is literally nothing you can say or do that will give you clemency with me. You’re an emotional bully and a fiend. You’re still responding because deep down your seething that a women can actually emotionally defend herself in the face of a true misogynist.

You’re the one who needs to be better.

You both need to take the L at this point. You look like complete fools.

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You can’t wrestle with a pig without getting muddy yourself. But still… sometimes you just wanna wrastle that pig. :man_shrugging: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

And yet here he is trying to build a case that he isn’t misogynistic? Like literally joking about it then two posts ago you are trying dead set to make it a serious case for real individuals. You are the definition of a class act joke. Rules apply to everyone but you. You’re disgusting.

No it wasn’t.

They didn’t even put it in until the last patch.

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You mean the same patch that added ICC.

Good to know that battling the Lich King had no significance in the expansion.

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Yup. Apparently LFD was “the big draw”.

That Lich King guy was just second fiddle.

Never fails when you point out someone’s hypocrisy and flawed reasoning and they know there’s no retort, so they try to be clever.

Your argument, however, is no less destroyed.

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The Lich King was on the cover of the box.

LFD wasn’t even announced until a year after launch.

Not exactly the same thing

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pats head

You’re adorable when you think you’re right.

LFD was not a “draw” for Wrath. It was an after thought at best. And considering the damage that system (and everything it spawned) has done to the game, it’s good they are keeping it out.


I see. So if it’s on the box it’s valid Wrath content. And if it’s not, might as well remove it.

So let’s list a million things not on the cover art that should be removed.

No… but you’re incorrect in saying “it was a draw.” You can look at it empirically even since we’re talking an era when Blizzard still released sub numbers.
Lich King was on the box. People thus knew fighting the LK would be part of the expansion. Sub numbers increased.
LFG tool was announced/released. Sub numbers didnt move.

Thus… The LFG tool was not a factor in sub numbers increasing. IE: It was not a “draw” of the expansion.

Careful, you might

I literally resubbed to WoW in that patch because of lfd. So don’t tell me it wasn’t a draw.

By your own argument sub numbers didn’t increase with the ICC patch. Guess the raid wasn’t a draw of the expansion either.

In any event, it’s rather fun pointing out how illogical some people’s arguments are. Even if they’re too oblivious to ever realize it.

Ok. Well that’s your anecodotal experience that conveniently happens to line up with the argument you’re pushing.

Vs my empirical evidence which seems to indicate otherwise. :man_shrugging:

States empirical data. Gives no sources to back up the claim. :rofl:

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The empirical data that says WoW subs peaked after lfd was added.

So, again, thanks for supporting lfd.