I can't take this no more

After many many years, they finally forced me out. I just wish the reason for the cancelation text was longer than 500 words.

I left a little message (doubt that they read it )

“I’ve been subscribed for many many years to this game and I’ve stayed subscribed through some of what I considered the lowest points of this game because I wanted it to be successful. I’ve spent getting few characters ready for WoTLK expansion because I found WoTLK the pinnacle of WoW and now you tell us you are removing one of the biggest selling points of it (LFD tool)?!?!
I have no patience left with your team catering to elitists constantly. I’ve spent 2 days spamming LFG ch to get BM done!”

Yes 2 days to get a group for BM. Some questioned here my reason for running BM this late in the expansion… Whatever my reason was I should not have to waste 2 days to get a group for a dungeon and pay tanks and healers to come to do it with me.

I have no patience nor time to go through this in WoTLK classic too!

Good luck for you who are staying


isn’t there already a looking for dungeon tool in the tbbc game?

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Yes and I was the only one in it. Nobody uses it. I have only once gotten an invitation while using it.


how is it a selling point if its already in the game?

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Kinda wish they would add dungeon finder for low level dungeons. On lesser populated servers its really a struggle to get a group together.

Because it doesn’t group players automatically. It requires them to actually click on it and see who is looking for a group. SO much for socialization… People can’t be bothered to even do that so we are forced to spam chat all day long.


the devs responsible for bfa and shadowlands just want to put their personal touch on wotlk. What can go wrong


So you are telling me that something that wasn’t added until well over half way through Wrath you babies are quitting before Wrath even gets here? We are at least a year from now that the original RFD would have been implemented into the game. You do not think that Blizzard might not change their mind or rework it like one of the developers already mentioned was a consideration? No one will miss you.


Yes lets attack a player showing frustrations of the current dungeon group method. How the current tool is an ABSOLUTE failure. How insane it is that he couldn’t find a NORMAL dungeon for Black Morass for two days.

You are toxic all the way down, and yes it’s players like this who simply enjoy playing the game I will miss the most.


No there isnt…


Make some friends. Find a good guild or reroll tank. Problem solved

Yes, there is.

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?? Are you on a dead server or benediction horde? Can’t be bene alliance or whatever servers horde populated, because people are actually begging for dps in dungeons on bene alliance. Either way, see ya!

Btw, nice alt to back up your own opinion.

Yea because server population on ONE SPECIFIC server sure is relevant to the topic at hand. Make sure you ask your parents to help you cross the street, I worry for you.

Oh gee I didn’t realize I get bonus points for posting on a main! Darn!



Also don’t announce, just bounce etc. No one cares

If your main is a level 20… yikes. You’re alliance, right? Go to benediction instead of complaining and looking for validation. No one cares about these “I quit” posts. Dead servers are dead and are not coming back. This is a community caused problem. If you cannot afford a $25 server transfer, then quitting wow and getting a better paying job should be your priority.

Considering that server accounts for half of the NA alliance population… yea Id say its relevant.

Thanks for playing. Sorry you were wrong

Ah so giant mega server speaks on behalf of all players. Right no I understand… LOL WHAT?

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Its a pretty UI that is basically the same a /4. No one uses it. You would have better luck posting for a dungeon group on the back of a milk carton.

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Yeah, it’s called pay gold to get carried. This is what the classic devs want to preserve by removing lfd from Wrath. :man_facepalming: