I can't take this no more

Do you think he noticed that the OP is on a PVE server and can’t transfer to Bene? It doesn’t look like it…

The posts are just there to be nasty, not helpful. I’ve seen Bearhands be a nicer guy so I don’t know what’s going on there, but with the other poster, that sort of thing would make a person NOT want to transfer to Bene, because who in their right mind wants to be surrounded with people like that?

Also if it’s more about the RDF thing then quitting with comments on the cancellation is the best way to actually get heard.

First off, please stick to discussing based on what’s being said on topic.

To the OP, I am sorry you are leaving.
If you were on our server I (and my friends) would happily group with you.
Nowadays that’s all I do anyway, to help people get dungeons done regardless of their level.

No matter which path you take, good luck and good hunting!


This coming from a misogynist who assumes gender. Great comeback LOL

I’m nice until someone starts in with stuff like

out of nowhere… (Which wasn’t even directed at me for what it’s worth.) At which point gloves off. :man_shrugging: I’m not gonna waste kindness on unkind people. I’m the nicest guy you’ve ever met right up until you start outting yourself as an a-hole. Never been a “turn the cheek” kinda guy. Jesus I am not.

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Fair enough.

Calling me a misogynist is pretty laughable. Try harder.

Such a nice person right? Grandstanding as he throws insult after insult. The hypocrisy doesn’t get any better than this.

But you are, I’d be happy to compile a plethora of posts you have on the forums to prove it.

Yeah, it feels like a good portion of the modern players seem to think that we shouldn’t play for fun.

I’m sorry your experience has been so poor.

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You don’t get to be a dick and then play the victim when a smarter, bigger and more able dick calls you out. Sorry… you got out-dicked. It happens.

Oh please do. I’ll wait

Its hilarious because… even on the WOW forums I have a 6000 post history that is admittedly disproportionately concerned with defending progressive values on a video game forum (I know its silly and pointless but :man_shrugging:.) So to act like you’re going to go through MY post history and pick out instances of misogyny is truly hilarious. If I’ve been accused of anything it’s being overly woke, just ask Fasc etc.

TLDR: Try harder

Just did a quick search on my own history… For reference…

But please… Show me my post history of misogyny. I can’t wait

LFD came out in 3.3 sooooo

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Sorry, you don’t get to play victim to justify misogynistic viewpoints when it’s convenient for you.

The fact you posted your own topics quoting sexist bias just further proves my point. This is just as bad as trying to justify “well I’m only a a little racist!”

You are pure trash.

is this blizzards fault? is it the community’s fault? do you want us the players to cater to your needs and run your dungeon ? did you invest in friends and guild friendships to help you out?

I’m sorry you’re upset. Be better next time and this won’t happen. If you’d been nice to the other poster I probably woulda been content to just sit out and watch you spew your nonsense. Instead you decided to come in all condescending and arrogant and… you got out-dicked.

Learn from your losses and be better in the future. :kissing_heart:

This isn’t a loss ROFL. You’re the narcissistic misogynist and you’re acting like you’re proud of it. Yikes…

Ok. Byeeee :wave:

Ya I’m sure there’s another disenfranchised group of people you need to make fun of I bet.

Someone make a add-on that lets you auto party within realm at least. It may be our only hope lmao.
If you can do cross then cool.

You’re trying too hard. It’s painful to watch. Take the L.

I thought you were leaving? Cope and Seethe loser.