I Can't See Friendly Debuffs on Targets

On new characters that I create, I can’t see friendly debuffs on enemy targets. There used to be a command to toggle it on but the one I have doesn’t work anymore. Does anyone else have this problem or a solution for it?

This is possibly a display issue i would suggest a full UI reset


I did a post to a similar question a couple of years ago. Would any of this info help you?


A proper reset UI would be my first recommendation as well.

To rule it out - if nothing else, even if it doesn’t resolve the issue.


Just tried to interface reset and it didn’t work but this is the macro I used to use to fix the problem:

/console noBuffDebuffFilterOnTarget

It no longer works.

PS: This is a problem for new characters. I don’t have this problem with characters I created before BFA I believe. There was a point in which this suddenly happened with new characters but I don’t remember what that was.

A proper reset is different.

If you don’t wish to delete the folders involved, you can move them, or just rename them to test.

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If you’re referring to the reset that Darth suggested, I tried that with the renaming of the folders. Is there another way to do it?

If you rename the 3 folders (and personally, I also reboot although that isn’t strictly necessary) that should do it.

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That’s what I did, and I even entered the /console cvar_default command in the advanced troubleshooting options. But I noticed that I can see player debuffs on friendly players when they’re dueling. I actually had this problem before I quit last year and uninstalled the game, so the problem is basically persisting even through reinstallation. I just submitted a ticket since no DIY solutions are working.

Update: So I got a response to my ticket and I was told that debuffs are supposed to show up under nameplates by default, but I just took a video of that not happening for certain characters. I can’t post images here so is there another way to submit visual evidence outside of uploading it to my YouTube page and linking that?

I submitted a response to the ticket but I have no idea when that will be answered.

Solution Update: I found another console command that manually removed the debuff filter since the game apparently changed something about it in BFA or Shadowlands.

/console noBuffDebuffFilterOnTarget 1