I can't play retail anymore

For variety. I’d personally like to see individual servers dedicated to each of the first three expansions. These, IMO, represent the best of WoW. After WoLT content just got weirder and less attached to the original lore. Ninja Pandas…wth!

Another way to look at is from the stand-alone games perspective. I can simply boot up FF7, KOTR, Cronno Trigger, etc. and enjoy the game as it was. I don’t believe the Classic/TBC fan base is asking for anything different.

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I couldnt agree more. I have always detested working for gear only to have it be completely worthless in the blink of an eye. It was ultimately why I quit. Have an entire guild help you with something like Thunderfury just to have it be replaced by a green item imo is a design flaw. Its not even transmutable. If you are able to get something like that you should be able to keep it.


Not much of a reboot, the 36 classes and their talents are damn near exactly the same.

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Classic is strangely addictive.

I was hoping they would go full Classic, TBC, Wrath for Shadow Lands, but instead its feeling and looking more like WoD part 2.

And while that’s a massive improvement over BFA, it is not to the standard that Blizzard is capable and known for.

Things they could do instantly to make Shadow lands way better.

  1. Ditch the modern style classes that are packed full of procs and RNG nonsense, and return to a more traditional Class, TBC, Wrath style class structure where everything costs you resources some how, where everything you do FEELS like you did something. In retail it just does not feel good, and that sense of player agency over the character is not there like we have in Classic.

  2. Ditch the Covenant powers entirely, OR turn them into some sort of temporary 2 hrs Flask like world buff that you can do some sort of quest to obtain. I know, im promoting world buffs but really its not a bad way to make the covenant valuable while not making it toxic for the entire game. Make these buffs only effective while inside RAID instances and not effective for World, PVP, or Dungeon.

  3. Ditch completely the soulbinds as they are, and have them be a component of glyph making trade, so that glyphs are a big thing again.

  4. Add completion mode Dungeons that start at what plays like a +20 Key in BFA, and ramp up in difficulty as you clear more keys. There is no time limit, but its purely based on completion instead of speed clearing. This promotes a very different style of play and meta. In addition gear is normalized to a fixed maximum item level like the MoP challenge modes were. This way, its not a gear thing, but 100% a skill thing. Rewards can be cosmetic, or items looted off bosses based on the difficulty level.

  5. Eliminate entirely the plethora of raid difficulty levels. Blizzard should not be burning resources over an open fire just to please everyone. Raiding does not need to painfully hard, nor should it be ridiculously easy. The difficulty level of Heroic is about right, and should be the gold standard for what raiding OUGHT to be in Retail. What about LFR? Well, LFR can simply instead be a tool used for players who don’t have time for a guild run to attempt REAL RAID BOSSES.

  6. ELIMINATE SCALING IN PVE AND PVP, ITS DISGUSTING, THIS IS AN MMORPG. I feel like Blizzard simply lost grasp of this, and made the NPC’s too easy while making the classes too powerful and had to come up with a way to fix this and that was scaling… The fix was never scaling, it was buff the NPC’s and NERF the class power a lot so 3 mobs are a reasonable danger. Also reducing the power gains on items between item levels and tiers of content A LOT would also help. Classic shows that you do not need massive power gains from one tier to the next for players to be satisfied with gear. Power gains from one level to the next also do not need to be drastic, something 5 or 10 levels lower should not just automatically be nonexistent, it should instead be still a observable threat.

That’s what I would do IF I were king.


yes i felt the same way in 2011

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Yeah i cant either. When I play classic I look at bnet and just see the number of people doing dailies and dailies and dailies and dailies and … thats not a game anymore thats a chore.

I log into a game to have fun; win or lose. I dont log in to simulate work. Retail is work-simulator.

It’s because classic is an actual rpg, retail has devolved into a hub based que game.


Some sure, but the majority have spoken. Classic is bigger than BFA currently.

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Unfortunately, activision has majority control over decision making when it comes to wows future. I don’t care what any blue pops in and says about it. If they say that’s not true then they’re lying.

Shadowlands was already far to deep into development to have its core gameplay changed. The beta for me felt like BFA 2.0 more so than WOD. I thought WOD was terrible as well.

They need to go back to WOTLK and start listening to the playerbase. They also need to understand that PVP has a much much bigger player base then they originally thought.

PVP and PVE need to be seperate. World pvp happens but you should NOT have to raid to get items to pvp with. Forced PVE on people is why they lost the majority of the casual pvp player base as well as the semi hardcore pvp player base. The majority of pvp’rs are on classic will stay on classic even when shadowlands hits.

The majority of the player base prefer classic over Retail. They now know this but what will they do with the information? Shadowlands was already in development so if people are expecting big things from it, rip.

The expansion after shadowlands could completely turn wows future around for the better. What comes after shadowlands? Do we get a classic, tbc, Wotlk type expansion?

Do they go in a new direction? World of warcraft 2? Something different? Something new?

My guess is if TBC sub #s are where they want them then we get WOTLK. But if they wanna grow then the expac after shadowlands has to be a 180 from BFA and shadowlands game play.


Its almost like different people enjoy different things, how deeply offensive i know.


Yup, and really I dont think its too late to fix things, but blizzard is oddly married to failures. They refuse to give up on what does not work and just accept what does. Maybe they are just too big and cumbersome as a group to make changes on the fly and actually do a good job quickly.

But if they had any sense, they would talk to the Classic players who really are having fun and spending a lot of time on classic wow and ask them what they are having FUN doing rather than looking at the raw numbers, because the raw numbers dont tend to tell you the whole story.

I dont think we need unique abilities like what they have done in retail, but PVP gear that’s BIS for PVP is what worked in the past, and it worked really good.

I don’t care a whole lot for resilience, and feel like stamina would have been a way better thing because when you have resilience you get blanket battle fatigue simply because Resilience is artificial health pool that’s not really health pool, but directly buffs healing.

Stamina on the other hand does much the same as resilience without the need for cancerous battle fatigue being a blanket fix.

Also tuning damage values around PVP may actually be the best choice, rather than tuning for PVE, because PVE balance really does not matter, and blizzard CLEARLY does not care at all about PVE balance, they literally pick the winners for PVE before the game even starts, yet total fools think that blizzard cares about that.

The only thing that really matters for balance sake is PVP, because its the only thing in the game that actually requires the the player actually think full time excluding really bad mechanics that play them selves, but that’s a different problem.

While I agree pvp BIS should be PVP gear and not Raid gear and it SHOULD be on equal footing.

I disagree about pve balance. I am more biased for pvp as I do not raid much but I think pve people would disagree about pve not needing balance.

Those guys take pve serious and their characters and also like to see their classes do well. PVE is obviously miles easier to achieve but they still want balance as well.

We have pvp and pve servers.

Pvp server is fun for pvp’rs. It should feel dangerous every time you leave a city or town. You should have to defend yourself or call on your friends to help you. That’s why classic is so good, at any point while you’re out in the world you could die.

Theres no situation in Retail 1v1 where I cannot escape the person trying to kill me. There literally isn’t a single instance where someone will kill me. It’s too easy to cc that person and run. Retail doesn’t even have pvp servers anymore.

Actiblizz is a multi billion dollar entity. They have the resource to have seperate teams that could collaborate with each other on changes needed to be made and how it would effect the other. They have the resource to work the problems out.

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I agree with you on all those points.

I was pointing out something different and just did not clearly articulate that well enough…

This is what I was talking about regarding PVE balance. They quite literally don’t care too much about actual balance, only what they want you to play. The example here is talking about WoD demo, they nerfed it because it was too complex and they want the players to re-roll basically, but they claim they are doing it for the reasons of “players are all playing” but that’s BS because literally since the beginning people have been playing the cookie cutter “BEST” spec and all they really did was move the goal post, and as a result force players to invest more time to get their character or new class up to par.

Everyone thats not a white knight or wow sheep knows this.

Those of us quit long ago and returned for classic.

They know you will re roll if they nerf your class into the ground and make another FOTM because wow is addictive and FOTM means Overpowered character which people flock to.

Its a disgusting way to time gate but means less development. They need less resources to keep you playing more with this strategy. We see this used in real life application.

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yeah its horrible, and very manipulative.

This is why classic is awesome.

I can safely have my fury warrior and know I’ll be OP forever.

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At least you know it will never be nerfed into the ground like they would do in retail.

Yes, and it’s almost like some people have very undiscriminating taste. And it’s almost like other people can recognize that and point that out.


They really are. Classes have been pretty stale since legion imo. They haven’t gotten any real significant changes

The only thing about Shadowlands that I’d actually like to try is shadow priest, and only because it’s my main, and it got a redesign

Other than that everything is just kind of “meh”. There’s nothing that really jumps out at me and makes me want to play Shadowlands

Are you okay?

I never said you had to like it, I said it was fun for me. Why does it upset you so much that some people like things you do not?