I can't play retail anymore

Me too. Classic is more fun – for me.


Hell im playing classic just so I can raid naxx

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i think the same thing for both version now, really

i was so hyped to start playing classic, i turn it on, got to level 17 and the spark just left
i cant even boot it up without feeling like im wasting my time

it’s like both versions are so close for me, but they just don’t scratch that itch

hopefully shadowlands, and maybe tbc classic changes my mind


This is exactly how I feel lol

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ironically, ive pretty much quit classic in the past week out of disgust for the wbuff meta, the toxic community, and general lack of much of anything challenging to do, and have been sucked back into retail.

i’m having a ball. its interesting how much i appreciate certain aspects of retail now, having been in the classic bubble for a year.


I mean there’s no real good reason to be playing retail at this point cause it’s the end of the expansion. I also have a hard time finding stuff to do in retail because of that, but I also won’t pretend that Classic is still holding my attention.

It is a good game though and I enjoy the leveling aspect of it. For me the end-game is just worthless, especially because of the state of PvP. I do want to finish getting my Warlock to 60 and at least one more before TBC launches so I do have that to deal with.

To answer the question as to why Classic feels like it’s better than Retail I’d say it just boils down to the game feeling like it’s worth it to play. Grinding mobs and looting? Worth EXP and gold. Leveling professions? Worth it (probably). Got a new piece of loot while leveling? It’ll last you. Raid boss finally dropped your item? BiS for the next 3+ months.


This remains a mind boggling thing to say. The age of a game means NOTHING. I still like playing Super Mario 3 and NES Megaman games.


The story questlines are actually quite fun if you’ve been away for a while.

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Spot on.

I hate grinding for gear. Seems strange to play wow, I know. I play it with my kids. But I never understood the appeal of the concept of grind for gear, in order to … grind for better gear. I guess if it is a fun grind, if you really like the game play. But at some point ya know? Why?

I have a had a lot of fun with wow over the years, but, for me, retail feels lifeless.


I ask myself this all the time.

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You will feel the same for classic at some point.


I used to feel this way so much so that I paid for my subscription for 12 years straight… and this is still one of the reasons I could never get too much into private servers.

However there is no telling what will happen to our Classic characters. My love for retail started dying when my server died, the community died for the most part when everything got merged together, and more and more it just felt like having hundreds of gear look collections, mounts and pets was irrelevant and not fun.

Of course everyone is different and I mean nothing against those who like retail. For me it’s no longer fun, I no longer care about my retail characters, and I quit entirely.

Listing story as a reason to play Retail? Big yike.


Yeah, Shadowlands looks okayish. But to be honest, I just can’t keep up with it.

It seems like in classic my average age player I “meet” is 30something.

In retail it’s like 17 and all the ape behaviors that go along with it.

I will admit that I do miss how “pretty” the game is in retail, and having some more complex raids. BUT - I also know that we’re itemized for Naxx, and people had access to gear/weapons they shouldn’t have had for months which changed how classic was played it.

I’ve accepted it. Also, I like feeling OP for the first time as a holy paladin since S1 of TBC or that brief S5 moment in Wrath. Feels good.


Shadowlands looks like trash just like the last 5-6 expansions (or whatever.) Retail has not been good for a very long time.


classic is a 15 year old game

This post is hilarious because I was the exact opposite, now I’m back to playing classic, and will abandon it again when SL drops

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If you don’t like retail, then don’t play it.

If classic is so much better then why the hell are everyone in classic asking for BC?

Every single problem with this game. “Retail fault”


Yep. A 1000% this.

You can end up having the same weapons and gear for over 8 levels in classic, and when you really actually need an upgrade you cherish it with care for possibly another 10 levels.

Not uncommon to see rogues running around with Perdition’s Blade and Core Hound Tooth still.

But to be honest with that, comes this sense of satisfaction because there’s value in what you worked hard to obtain. Everything in retail is disposable and taken for granted, you get a new chest to open every week and satisfaction of obtaining a new gear piece is passive and trivial because there’s always ‘the next one’.

It’s like empty calories, your never satisfied no matter how much you eat.

This is absolutely where classic has its charm, value in the little things, nothing is wasted.


This x1,000,000

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