I can't log into my server only

Ok it is 3:49pm eastern, On September 8,2019. I tried to log into my account in Thalnos server, classic wow, but I keep getting disconnected with Error (WOW51900101), It says server population low, I went to various servers and i was able to log in to them. I was also able to create new characters on them, but It won’t let me log into Thalnos. What is going on. Please help, thanks.

Anyone else from a different server and they can’t log into their server or is it just Thalnos?


same thing on my main server

Same thing on Myzrael


It is good to know that I’m not the only one, but it makes no sense that you can log into other servers except the one that you made your characters in! I don’t get it.

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same here. I got the same issue.

Same thing on thalnos server only problem.

I’m having the same issue but I cannot seem to get on to any server or even retail. I think our accounts bugged out when we dc’d last.

I didn’t even dc, I just logged out and try to log into it today, but there is this claim that there is a DDOS attack, but if that is the case why is it just on my server that I can’t log into. That is the reason I asked. I guess that when you post a thread like this, it is for support from Blizzard right?

sure be sweet if blizzard could comment on if they had plans to do anything haha feels like its run by a bunch of 12 year olds

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I just keep getting World Sever Down, even though it says it’s up and I can get on other servers.

I mean they said they are working on it and that they will tweet about it, but I think it is kind of weird that the only server you can’t go to is your own server and that you can go into any other server. I want to make a human character, but not at the moment, I want to wait till I’m done with horde. Since you can’t make a human in your same server anyway.

I haven’t been able to long on for about an hour and 45 mins. This is ridiculous. I’m on Westfall server, but my bf and his brother are playing right now.

So this is happening in BFA as well?

you know what . I can log on anther server . thunderfury . is ok

Finally got on.

Hey y’all,

We are aware of the issues and working on getting this resolved. I’ll be locking this thread so keep an eye on this one.