I can’t link certain mounts in chat, opening this up since customer service seems to have closed a similar chat down that wasn’t resolved. This issue is happening to several people i have spoken to. The people i have spoken to also get similar strings such as this one.
There are several threads across this forum, tech support and bug reports. I would personally advise you to add your voice to one of the Bug Report threads so they can continue collecting the data from as many players as they can. Posting here does not do that since this is literally the only forum where data and feedback is not collected.
As of the time of me posting this, there isn’t a fix or workaround that someone can do themselves, but apparently, there is an add-on someone linked in response to the issue. I don’t know how well it works or any of that as it’s not a problem I’m running into, but it is something you can give a try.