i cant edit the field even i secure my account with battle net authenticator
I added this to another thread but putting it here for visibility:
It looked like I had the same issue as well BUT I found that the Description field is just super finicky for me where you have to make sure to click the line and ONLY the line that is pre-populated with “More details about your group (Optional)”. Clicking normally into the field like a regular person would expect doesn’t allow you to type anything. This is the same when listing M+ or raiding.
This is also the same for me whether on my main or an alt.
(PS: Nice touch on the “goal” section–it’s very annoying when people expect a different run than they get and then leave as soon as there’s a problem.)
Hey there Comeforu,
I’ve been seeing a few reports where players who have an authenticator on their account already are not able to make a custom description for the group. It’s being looked into by the developers. The notes I found mention that having SMS set up for the account can help though. Please see if setting that up helps. This page gives a bit more information and also acts as a good starting point to get that done. If there is still a problem, then please report it as a bug so the devs can get some more information to more directly address what’s going on.
SMS Protect cannot be set up for me at least since my monthly NZ phone plan is apparently incompatible with receiving text messages from Blizzard (I’m guessing it’s being detected as a “Prepaid” plan). If SMS Protect is an intended requirement, it should probably be made very explicit, and/or I would hope there’s plans to ensure people regions apparently ineligible for it can be supported.
This was definitely not the impression given in any previous communication or announcement.
We’re aware that the message isn’t completely covering the issue which is making this a bit confusing, currently. The article we’re using for this is here, but it’s confirmed that both an authenticator and phone notifications are intended for this at this time to prevent exploitative group finder advertisement spamming.
Note that even if you can’t attach both for some reason or another, such as being ineligible for SMS protection, you can still post groups. You’d just need to use the default text instead of changing the name/description fields. Beyond that there’s not much we can do with game feedback - you can make modification changes in game using the suggestion system or at the #community:general-discussion forums.
Either way, I hope this has provided a bit of insight and a work around you can use to keep grouping for now.
WTB an alternative to phone notifications. There are A LOT of people having issues with their invalid phone numbers.
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