I cannot wait for undead paladins!

Wanting them for so many years! Wrath at least.

With Draenei/Night Elf locks coming soon nothing should be preventing undead paladins. I am incredibly hype.


Calia Menethil already serves as the trigger to let it happen as she’s a “light” Undead.

They better let Forsaken look like her if they allow Forsaken Paladins.


Knowing everyone getting everything eventually with what’s being done I will be looking forward to my Undead Shaman


Unfortunately there’s no reason for them to look like her.

IIRC she was rez’d almost immediately after she died. The Forsaken spent quite some time as Scourge before they broke free, giving them time to rot and wither. Then the newer Forsaken were pulled from a graveyard. Not exactly fresh either.

But who knows. Blizzard loves any excuse to put more humans and elves into the game and they don’t really care about racial lore anymore so you might get your wish.


I assume we’ll get some sort of lore or hand wave at the very least to explain how they get to use the Light. The same way they’ll have to explain how the void elves will get paladins.

Probably going to be next expac due to the Light vs Void theme… if that truly is the next expac and not one about pirates. lol

I thought pirates was a possibility too but that would be like BfA 2.0.

Light vs. Void would be new… I think.

I think it’s all just speculation at this time of what it will be.
The only time I saw the pirate theme mentioned was when the outfit came out. To me that’s not enough of an idication .

I do hope it’s the void though

I’ve always wanted an orc paladin. I just love orcs…however undead would be very tempting as well. I’d wait for the discount on the race change and do it then. :smiley:

Vulpera Druids. I’ll actually roll a druid then.

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Why can’t it be both?

Nightsquall discovers a way to Avalon or whatever its called, discovers a macguffin that leads the void to our door step and Yrell decides to intervene.

There. Pirates, light and void all at once.

After LFD Warlocks, even Druid Sargeras makes sense now.

Undead Paladin sound interesting. Would not play one, but sound interesting.

Some think it would possibly be a SL 2.0 though in terms of theme similarity.
Hopefully they make them as non-similar as can be.

I’d personally like for it to be:

  • Void at start of expac 11.0 where we focus on fighting their assault on us
  • and then on 11.1 the Light part comes in that comes to “help” us
  • after which 11.2 development that makes the Light wanting to take advantage of us (actually wanting to lightify Azeroth herself) and we realize this while we struggle to now fight off both Void and Light, would be nice to end this patch with us losing massively
  • what’s left is 11.3 where a really unexpected event comes where we awaken Azeroth and she basically kicks both of their butts off of the planet, stopping any invasion (set up for us going to their homeworlds/universes later on in other expacs)

12.0 can now be about Azeroth’s ascension as the god of the planet, bring in Elune as well to the party

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And An’she. He’s her brother and Blizzard should give him more screen time.

Think i’ve heard of An’she once… but didn’t know he’s her brother.
Should definitely get more screen time!

According to tauren lore, An’she and Elune are twins and they even have a little brother, Lo’sho.

With the creation of Sunwalkers and Seers, it’s proof that An’she exists but whether or not he’s really Elune’s twin brother is anyone’s guess.


Same for me. I’ve got an unused race change from when they were on sale just waiting for either Nightborne Shaman or Forsaken Paladin, which ever comes first.

When we do get undead paladins, I hope their charger is a white and blue version of the Vicious Skeletal Warhorse with a Lordaeron “L” on the pennant instead of the Horde ensignia.

I’m not sure if it’s ever been confirmed that An’she is actually Elune’s brother. So far, I think it’s just the Tauren believing he is. There’s so little lore surrounding him. I agree that Blizzard really needs to expand on An’she and give him more presence in the story. I don’t think we even know which cosmic realm he’s suppose to be associated with - Light or Life.

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I’ll be over here in the shade watching all these undead paladins turn into piles of ash.

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:

Plenty of time to collect the Lightbringer set, paladins feel required to gather. :thinking:

Pretty sure we’re going to that continent/island/region on the far side of Azeroth that keeps getting mentioned in DF.