I cannot wait for Dreamhaven

The talent has been hemorrhaging over and I can’t wait for a decent alternative to a game where I don’t have

  1. A subscription
  2. I have to buy the game and expansions every few years
  3. Micro transactions to collect the mounts

Give me any alternative that feels as good as WoW classic and I’m out of here.


Without either


you’re getting a bad game. I’m disappointed in what Blizzard has done with retail too, but I have zero faith in Dreamhaven to produce a decent game. A lot of game studio’s have been created from combined talent, and the first game they come out with just completely destroys the studio because its so bad.

The old game model just doesn’t sell anymore. If Dreamhaven has any hope of making a successful game, it’ll have to be a shooter, a MOBA, or a Fortnite ripoff, none of which probably is a game that us, as oldschool MMO players, are interested in. I wouldn’t get your hopes up.


Oh boy, “WoW-killer” discussion? This really is Classic


Just stopping here to remind you that these are the people who gave you all of that to begin with.


Imagine thinking that just because a new corporation is springing up that they won’t act like all the current corrupt corporations.

Last time I got excited about a new company founded by old devs of favorite classics, we ended up with Yooka-Laylee

So forgive me if I don’t hold my breath

Not necessarily. Of course, good/bad is subjective, but there are some games that satisfy all this criteria and are quite good.

APEX Legends comes to mind. Different genre, and you could easily argue apples to oranges, but I’ve probably spent around the same amount of time on it as WoW over the past year, so that’s where my perspective is coming from.

Yeah… It would be interesting to see something innovative. But, what would that look like?

Makes me wonder why retail players like you are here. But I mean if my game was… lel shadowlands… I’d rather troll on the forums too.


I won’t forgive that! Please keep that breath held.

Smol muscles crave big muscles. They come in shame to view the gun show, but when faced, will insult and ruin others in jealousy.

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This will never be a game.

You should really do some research around it and the “development team” they have (and I use that term very loosely). This is simply a cash grab from a couple of guys that purchased a bunch of Unreal assets and put them together in a couple of videos. I would be very surprised if you ever get an Alpha out of it, let alone a game.


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I don’t think you will get any of that from DH…

I just want a MMO that has a DnD feel with modern graphics.

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Gotta choose between sub and micro transactions.
Unless you wanna play a single player game and be the host.

But a game that asks for the game base, asks for a sub and use money form both to create items (which you already paid for) to sell you back is whitout a question immoral.

This is more of a dear diary post I know.

After classic wrath, ashes of creation should be releasing around that time. Retail is so far gone at this point with how out of touch the development/activision team is. Just enjoy the game for what it is while it lasts. With activision influence growing on how to monetize this once great game (ie. https://kotaku.com/call-of-dutys-latest-microtransaction-is-a-tiny-red-dot-1831487105), we could very well be in the last hoorah of wow. Enjoy it while it lasts.

They’re not gonna start with a risky venture like an MMORPG as one of their first titles. Expect a MOBA or something.

No subscription = intrusive cash-shop. Especially in MMORPG.

Are you insane ?

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Or because the two workgroups made up of old Blizzard shooting for perfection means stuck in development forever.

Maybe a clone is the best anyone can hope for. I think Blizzard had zero clue how successful vanilla was going to be.

Now, it’s aim for the stars shoot from the hip

They didn’t expected it to be so sucessful. Nothing new here, they said it several times

I’m surprised winning lotto numbers didn’t make your list.

Imagine having a “it’s one or the other, not both” attitude about video games