I cannot restore a character

Now that the restoration service is active again, I am trying to restore my level 70 paladin in Area 52, but I keep receiving the message: ‘There was a problem restoring your deleted character. Please try again later.’ I tried with others and had no problem; only the paladin gives me trouble. I don’t have another character with the same name, nor have I reached the maximum character creation limit."

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Did they lift the 7 day timer between undelete?

Its say now that you can Only Undelete One Character Every 60 Seconds.

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I’m having this exact issue with one of my characters. I thought it was related to the alt key code letter in their name, but I think it’s something deeper than that - it seems like some specific characters cannot be restored, but I do not know why…

Having this same issue as well. Tried restoring my old Hunter now that restoration is back, but it just says there was a problem and to try again later.

Odd thing is, I can restore other characters just fine. It is that one Hunter that it won’t let me restore.

You need to log in on the character you undeleted for a bit before you try restoring another.

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Thanks for the tip, BUT…that’s not the problem. No characters 70 or above can be restored. Worse yet? No explanation whether that is a bug (not that those ever happen) or working as intended.

I have been sitting on my boost specifically to raise a DK if I can’t restore my deleted 70.


I’m having the same issue. I was deleting characters just days before the expansion was released. When I logged on the next day my main was gone when I looked in the deleted characters there she was even though I am certain I did not delete her. At that time, character restoration was down. Since characteristic was restored I have tried every day several times a day to restore her and keep getting that exact message of "there was a problem restoring your character. Please try again later " I have sent in several tickets and keep getting responses such as here’s some criteria that may be causing the issue or to submit a bug report but none of those things apply. She’s been My main for almost 19 years. (Cry)

2 characters will not “restore”
Arathor “Jhaen” lvl 36 Shaman 1:25pm 9/30/2024
Farstriders - “Yllapa” lvl 35 Paladin 1:26pm 9/30/2024

Possibly fixed with tomorrow’s maintenance. Just saw an update.


Where did you see this?

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New follow up. I was just able to restore a character that I previously couldn’t. Hopefully it’s fixed for others.

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