I cannot accept the quest "Surface Bound"

I am currently playing through the story of War Within for the first time on my deathknight, and Alleria never appears to give me the Surface Bound quest. This is obviously a problem since you have world quests tied to the completion of this quest. I need help please. No this is not an alt, and no I have no completed the storyline before. If the only option is to level a new character to 80 and replay the whole main storyline quest that would be super annoying, but obviously I’m going to do it because I want to finish the storyline.

I would check the comments here:

There are one, maybe two that could help your situation.

Overall, if the NPC is not appearing where they should, then you likely have a phasing issue. There may be a few quests that you missed somewhere, even if they are in side questlines. It could slightly alter the phase of where Alleria should appear.

Also, make sure you are on the correct level. Alleria is supposed to be next to The Weaver. Not above or below.


Yeah I checked all those before making the post :frowning:

It looks like you did the leveling campaign, so Alleria should be there. I’m afraid this might be something that our QA team will need to look into to resolve, so I’d recommend submitting a bug report if you haven’t already.


I made a post about this earlier

  • I am currently playing through the story of War Within for the first time on my deathknight, and Alleria never appears to give me the Surface Bound quest. This is obviously a problem since you have world quests tied to the completion of this quest. I need help please. No this is not an alt, and no I have no completed the storyline before. If the only option is to level a new character to 80 and replay the whole main storyline quest that would be super annoying, but obviously I’m going to do it because I want to finish the storyline.

Other people have made super obvious comments on it and linked the wowhead quest. I’m not an idiot, I’ve checked all these things before making a post.
I have since went through the main quest on an alt, and this quest does not appear for the other level 80 I have, nor does the campaign skip from brann bronzebeard that is supposed to show up.
I have made a bug report on this as soon as it happened yesterday, and a CS rep has responded to my other post. At this point none of my characters can do world quests and I cannot progress the main storyline. Seriously regretting buying a year subscription at this point TBH. I don’t know why a bug on one character would cause an account-wide issue.

Only a developer would truly really know, all we can do on the outside is just speculate.

That is why it was recommended in your other post to post in Bug Reports, where that is the avenue to get any issues in front of them for corrective action.

Customer Support otherwise has no jurisdiction over the game itself and otherwise does not have any ability to assist.


Nobody called you an idiot, nobody implied that you were an idiot, and nobody treated you like an idiot. What is obvious to you or me may not be obvious to someone else. And nobody could possibly know what you’ve tried unless you explicitly tell them.

Also, this didn’t need to be a separate topic.


A bug report is really all you can do at the moment, as was stated in the other thread by Vrak. It looks like you’ve done everything you should to unlock the quest but something is bugged.

You said you made a bug report in game, you might try making a bug report over on the Bug Report forum to see if anyone else is having the issue.

You might also try doing some of the side quests in the area, one might inadvertently be phasing her.

What other quests do you have in your log? One might involve Alleria from a different expansion and is throwing a kink in the works.


I made a post on the bug report forums that was merged back to this post. I made a new post because I could no longer reply to this post. My next thought was to do as Jeysca suggests and complete all side quests available to this character.

No, it was always here in Customer Support. You may have meant to post over in Bugs but misclicked at some point. The posts that were merged were always here.


It looks like that second post you made was in this forum, Rhinothar, which is why it was merged into your existing thread. Sorry for the confusion.

You also have a thread in the Bug Report forum, which is the best place for QA to pick it up and look into the issue.

With that said, I also put an inquiry in on this one. One recommendation I found was to complete the quest line that starts with “The Weaver’s Gift”.

That may clear up the phasing issue and allow Alleria to be visible.


Yeah that’s the quest where I initially found out something is wrong with my character, because Faerin is also missing. I did the quest “the weaver’s gift” on my shaman after leveling him to 80 via the main quest to hopefully resolve it, and Faerin showed up for him but not my death knight. I’ve had the flu the past couple days so I haven’t been able to complete all the side quests in Hallowfall yet; but I’ve completed everything available in Azj-Kahet. I can’t see Faerin to turn in “The Weaver’s Gift” and I can’t see the quest givers for “That’s Pretty Gross” or “A Fin of Every Kind” either, although the ! shows up on the map.

Alright, I think we’ve found the root cause of the issue. It seems that you faction changed this character recently and that caused a bit of an issue.

It looks like they are working on a fix that should resolve the issue going forward, but it is not retroactive.

In order for you to progress we have to get you back into the right phase. The Weaver’s Gift chain should do that for Surface Bound, but as I understand it, to get to see Faerin where you need her, you need to finish another chain that you appear to have started but not completed.

You need to do the quest " The Sorrowful Journey Home". Faerin is a bit hard to find if you didn’t pick it up after completing “An End to the End” as the spot she’s in is kind of between maps. I left your character standing next to her so you can pick it up.

Please let me know how things are progressing.


Thank you! I completed the Sorrowful Journey Home and that cause Faerin to appear so I can start the Weaver’s Gift chain. I’ll update if that fixes the issue as soon as I am done with them.


It worked! Thank you so much for the help, she showed up after the questline and I was able to complete the quest!

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Huzzah! Thank you for your patience and willingness to try out all my suggestions. Hopefully they’ll be able to implement the fix to keep that from impacting anyone else.