I can fly in Zereth Mortis/Shadowlands but NOT BFA zones?

How come? Is this intentional or a bug? If a bug, anyone know an easy fix? If intentional, why, this seems like quite the bad design decision that I can fly in any zone of the entirety of WoW but NOT in Battle for Azeroth Zones?


I can’t read. Yes, each expac has a different requirement for unlocking flying.


Need to do BfA pathfinder for BfA flying.


Dang. Seems disappointing to have to go back through more old content to unlock the ability to fly in it. You’d think they’d make it so Xpacs beyond the current had flying automatically unlocked once you hit max level.


Too many people would QQ over “all the hard work we did” when at the time they were complainng about it as well


Sorry OP you must suffer as other’s have suffered! Now get to doing those Mechagon dailies!


Eh, it’s easy to get.

And if you don’t want to do the content anyway, why do you need flying?


Just seems odd and bad game design to leave it as is when I can fly everywhere else in WoW


how come?
and Ion is his Name-oh
ALL old content flight should always be opened up the day a new expansion is released.
its SPOSE to be about gating us to keep us onthe ground…to slow us up…till we see the world. Supposedly.
MY theory is that PF was a fit being tossed over players going nuts and threatening to quit if Ion removed flight, but hey…thats my thoughts in the matter

IF its to slow us down in current content, it serves no real, valid purpose in old content where youre just trying to run for mogs or whatever.
Its entirely a turn off to the content when its two expansions old and theyre expecting you to run for flight when youre just there to farm.

They opened up WOD and Legion flight, now its free of charge, so why not just open up BFA too?
Literally no good reason not to.


yes they would…and did.
this forum was lit up like a warzone when we were told WOD and Legion flight were being opened up for free lmao.
Coming from the “you get it by just playing the game” guys. lol.


It will change either in Dragonflight or the next expansion, as all other Pathfinders were removed.


Sure hope so!


No, you’d think they’d want you to do the content in the expansion before flying over it.

It actually makes sense. They’ve designed the questing to be very linear and in a path through the zone.

Wanting to even fly in it seems silly to me. Where are you going? The quests are all tightly packed and it doesn’t require big travel time. Why do you even need to fly in content you haven’t done?

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If questing is what theyre up to, yeah…good point. just better to stay on the ground till thats done.
for many new players however, they may just want to farm stuff. Mogs, whatever. Its a drag to come in as a new player and have to run PFer in content you want to farm but arent interested in questing.


NO, NO, NO, You must suffer as We all did. MWAHAHAHAHA !!!


Question: aren’t folks generally saying that they like the idea of “doing the zones as intended”?
At the end of the day, I don’t care one way or another - let it be something to work towards as an activity? The pathfinder achievement doesn’t include doing anything ridiculous but just ordinary normal things like experiencing the quest line of BFA which honestly was fun with a lot of really good character moments

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Because OP wants to just go do old raids for mounts in BFA, not to “experience” the questing and landscape firsthand.

This also annoys me that I cannot unlock mechagnomes without doing the mechagon questline achieve on an alliance character. I did it fully on horde and got BFA flying but still I can’t play mechagnomes.

And same with kul tiran humans, I refuse to do the entire tides of vengeance campaign again for alliance. Those quests were awful when they were current and even worse now that they are old and serve no purpose


Feign ignorance … rile the masses. :white_check_mark:

Profit. :smile:

J/K OP. But this is when my mind goes with todays interwebs.

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A) You just need to do the Mechagon storyline if you’ve already run the island on a Horde. It’s short and just requires an alliance character level 50+ to do it.

B) Alliance races are unlocked by doing content. They shouldn’t be just given out to players that want it. You want it because they are special, but you’re also asking to remove what makes it special. If you want the race for it’s lore/aesthetics, but also can’t be bothered to learn the story by doing the quests, I find that silly too.

Personally, I used a boost from one of the expansions and did my Double Agent achieve then grabbed all the allied races for Alliance.

I’m not paying to have a game give me all the content. There should be things that need to be done and those rewards for doing it should remain rewards for doing the content.

They keep removing stuff I did as requirements for things I spent time and money to complete for people that didn’t even play the game at the time it was relevant. And that’s going to ostracize players that have been playing the game in favor of fair weather players.

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Stay tuned for upcoming episodes, why cant i fly in legion and why cant i flyin in wod.