I can fly in Zereth Mortis/Shadowlands but NOT BFA zones?

Draenor and Legion pathfinder requirements were dropped with Shadowlands, so it’s possible that BFA pathfinder will be dropped too eventually.

(checks on beta and finds BFA pathfinder is still there)


Kul tirans and mechagnomes are not “special” to me because of any significance to the lore of BFA (which I did not pay attention to when it was current on horde side).

Mechagnomes just have what appear to be a solid racial for tanking as do kul tiran humans. I would like to try out these races to see how they fair for Druid and monk tanking.

I’m certainly not going to spend any significant amount of time doing quests I loathe for the chance to test a new race that may possibly be good for tanking.


  1. Emergency fail safe: heal for 15% of your HP when you fall below 20%. Can occur once every 2.5 min.

  2. Combat analysis: when in combat increase primary stat, stacking up to 8 times.

Kul tiran:

  1. Brush it off: Increas versatility by 1%, when you take damage heal for 2% of that amount over 4 seconds.

I genuinely don’t understand why you would feel this way. I played through whatever people needed to do to unlock zandalari trolls and would be perfectly fine if blizzard completely removed the requirements to unlock them: just let new players walk into the embassy and do the quest.

I even played during legion for the first allied races and unlocked all of those.

Would I care if a new player subscribes to wow today and gets to unlock nightborne without fully doing the suramar questline: certainly not… it doesnt affect me at all.


So what. Can we please move on from the mentality of catering to the ‘what about me’ whiners and just do what is so painfully obviously right?

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Not gating flying behind ridiculously grinds I’m all for it.


For an 18 year old game with so many prior xpacs… there needs to be something consistent where flying for one is unlocked (or purchasable) by x.1 patch of the next.


It incentivizes players to buy each expansion and play at least its leveling content while the expansion is current, since players who skip are going to have to go back and earn flight for each xpac they’ve skipped.

Doesn’t mean I agree with it but I think that’s the reasoning.

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I seem to recall that you had to have bfa pathfinder to get shadowlands pathfinder?

I don’t think so. I never got WoD pathfinder while WoD was current (and still don’t have it) but that didn’t stop me from getting Legion pathfinder.

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I feel your pain. This game has a knack for punishing players in the strangest ways.


From Wowhead

Pathfinder in Previous Expansions

You no longer need to earn the achievements Draenor Pathfinder or Broken Isles Pathfinder, Part One/ Broken Isles Pathfinder, Part Two to fly in Warlords of Draenor or Legion zones. You will automatically be able to fly in those zones upon earning Expert Riding (or coming into with a character 25-30 who already has flight skill). You can still earn these achievements for the mounts and other perks, but you don’t need them to fly in these zones anymore.

You will still need to earn Battle for Azeroth Pathfinder, Part One and Battle for Azeroth Pathfinder, Part Two to fly in Battle for Azeroth zones.

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That probably means as of DF you won’t need BFA pathfinder to fly in BFA zones anymore. Seems to be the trend.

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I earned WoD, Legion and BFA flying, before it was automatically learned. I worked my butt off to get those skills. I’m telling you, right now, GIVE EVERYTHING TO EVERYONE. No one should have to go through the crap we all went through, just to fly around in an old zone. Tortollans? Suck my nose. I’m glad they gave everyone WoD and Legion, but the fact BFA is locked annoys me.

People just ignore that zone while questing. No one is going to pay it any mind anymore, to get flying. Not when there are much better options that DO include flying. I’m tired of seeing people confused or just blown away by what a strange decision that is.

Give everyone BFA flying Blizz. I promise, it’ll be okay. :relieved:


It should just be hit level 10, run the unlock scenario.

I learned nothing about Velfs while I was on Argus. All I learned is that Turaluon is a jerk and some Ethereal went all Void and turned Alleria into one.

I learned more about the races from the scenarios than wasting my time in some of those zones.

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Then you weren’t paying attention. And that’s your choice, but I did the content and you’ll be just fine doing it too.

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The achievement will always be listed. But I take it you made a character without copying one and still can’t fly?

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Warlords of Draenor pathfinder (Removed) you can now fly just by buying flying

Legion Pathfinder (removed) you can now fly just by buying flying

BFA Pathfinder is still a requirement but I am hopeful that in Dragonflight it will be removed and be unlocked just by buying flying

Shadowlands is unlocked around renown 40 and in zereth mortis will be unlocked by doing a achievement that is less of a hassle than say the pathfinder.

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I paid very close attention, Thanks. There’s literally NOTHING on Argus about Velfs. It’s all in the unlock scenario.


There’s a whole zone/destroyed city on Argus for the Void Elves.

ROFLMAO no there isn’t.

Good lord, learn your lore. :rofl:

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Where? I must have missed that. Telogrus Rift exists but there’s no remnants of any city or anything.

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