"I Can Buy This For 100K Less On A Different Server"

Who, the OP? Genuinely doubt it.

He’s just an undercover goblin. There’s dollar signs in his eyes!

First, people will always complain, just saying. Also, prices are charged to what the market will bare, as they should be, and price fixing always creates shortages, just look at the NYC housing market in the 1970’s & 1980’s to see this.

You’re not lying about people complaining. That’s a given.

I also don’t know much about the AH, I don’t play it or use it as much as some people do. But I don’t think it works the same way as like, the housing market.

It actually is an economy just like in the real world, because there are still real people trading within it.

If you are responding to then over something they said in a conversation with someone else that is you confronting them.

You’re also engaging me by responding to me.

Someone stating their opinion isn’t attacking you. If you can’t handle people having opinions that you don’t like then you need to get thicker skin.

It’s always a game.


Person A bad person b ignored.

Person b is having a conversation with person c about person a.

Person c quotes person b with person a being mentioned in the conversation.

Aha. Seems like a lot of mental gymnastics to me. Just when I thought I had seen all there was to see on the forums.

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Either a person getting others to post for them, or say sending them a link to what someone else said, or indeed someone else quoting them when they’re talking about said person forcing the person that has them on ignore to read what they said about them anyways. Or hopping onto an alt to bypass the ignore themselves, which they did and tried to go ‘nuh uh that’s not me’ despite the character having the exact same achievements and collections.

I’ve seen people get exposed as posting on an alt (like having an entire conversation with their alt, essentially themselves) but I feel like the example of quoting someone else is a bit reaching. It seems like a chore and a bore to constantly alt swap on the forums.

Hence why said poster is laughed off of the forums usually once a week and stops posting for a few days.

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Not a good reason to implement a bad system.

Perhaps you and the OP see it as “the natural order of things” when the design of pricing of a critical item places it in the hands of players who have no incentive to do what’s good for the game. This leaves the players on their realm with the following options:

  • buying tokens to pay your prices
  • going without and either not playing that content at the desired level, not playing it at all, or leaving the game.
  • paying real money for a server transfer, which may or may not work out to their advantage in any way
    Note that 2 of these three directly involve players paying cash to get access to the gear they need to play at the level they wish to play.

When a business takes an action that leads to increased costs to customers, yeah, that’s intentional.

So you’re saying it’s purely a coincidence that some players can find the items they need on their server at 10x the price on other servers, and doesn’t have anything to do with system design?

Blizzard knew this was going to be an issue and implemented it this way anyway.

It is my regret that I have but 1 upvote to give this post.

You must have never controlled an entire market by yourself then. :sweat_smile:

I get messages daily, ranging from discount requests to accusations of killing the game.

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It’s definitely a different world in the leggo market for sure, where there’s far fewer sellers.

Sounds like you are a good ole blizzard shill.

Saying we should character transfer if we don’t like the economy is a joke.

It’s a very viable response though. Smaller pop servers are going to have much more of a monopoly on leggos and everything else compared to a high pop server.

The problem is that the design of the base item ranking system causes this issue by its very nature. It was a poorly conceived system and should never have been allowed to go live like this.

For players to rank up the base items they have expend absurd amounts of gold on vendor mats and gathered mats. Even if gathered mats are sold at reasonable prices, it still comes out to a ridiculous amount of gold you have to invest just for the capability to make a base item of max rank. That doesn’t even touch on the issues of:

  • The slot you leveled to max might not be one popularly used and therefore may not sell as well as other slot items might.
  • If you want to be able to make max lvl base items for other slots, you have to pay just as much if not more for each slot you rank up.
  • Legendary powers are not all available to every slot which leads to…
  • If you ranked up only a single slot to be able to handle your own legendary needs, a patch or even a hotfix could suddenly invalidate that effort by nerfing your legendary du jour, and your new BiS legendary could very well not be available to the one slot you invested so heavily in ranking.
  • All the low rank base items you crafted to rank up are unsellable for anything even remotely approaching what you spent to rank up. And if you want to try to recoup your losses by selling max rank base items… well you better hope that the base item you ranked up is in demand, and that you don’t have so much competition than you can’t move your product in a timely fashion.

The system is the issue, not the sellers. The people selling the max base items had the resources to max rank up one or more base items. It wasn’t cheap for them, especially if they did it early on in the expansion. They want to recoup their investment and make some profit besides. Many players, like myself realized early on it was a bad system and just noped out of ranking up base items early on, and ultimately it became cheaper to simply buy a base item, even at inflated prices, than it would be to rank up a base item ourselves and then try to enter the market as a seller when it’s far less likely to break even or get ahead without a big investment of time and resources to make multiple max ranks to sell.

ECON101. Scraped by with a C+

It may still be worth it to get into leggos, depending on the realm’s economy. I didn’t get into the leggo game until mid-January and have made two gold caps in profit so far.

Which means blizzard should step-in and merge servers.

My old server wasn’t a low pop until more people were poached or moved to higher population servers. Telling people spend gold on tokens to pay for services which are more than the leggo, or $25 USD just to move a main or have a more enjoyable experience is just rubbish. I sold mats for the same prices on my new server, than what they sold on the old one, yet leggos are over 150k cheaper. So again, the price of a token basically to get a gear upgrade.

Literally spent gold on a token, just because it’d be cheaper to buy a token and transfer just to save gold on my unity piece. It’s cheaper for some to transfer, than buy two 291 leggo pieces on some servers.

This isn’t just an ECON 101 problem.