I came for the Kul Tiran Humans, and all I got was this lousy fog

So today’s patch isn’t 8.1.5, and we still have neither of the Zandalari or Kul Tiran Human allied races, the main expansion feature I was most excited about.

Thanks Blizz. Just… Thanks.

It took me 20 minutes to blow through the new content of the war campaign, and that was it.

I’m not angry, Blizzard, I’m just disappointed.

No wait, I take that back, I’m angry as well.


my eyes were bugging so bad in that quest. all 10 minutes of it.
I get what youre saying, pretty lazy there, waited 2 months for that!


You’re angry at yourself for not understanding the schedule set forth by Blizzard?



i literally got exalted with proudmoore LAST NIGHT and wanted to unlock this new races ive been hyped up for. now im just completely pissed the f*** off that i cant play a race i have all the requirements completed for…


considering it was supposed to be at launch that we at least got zandalari, id say it is pretty weird.


Guys they said back during Blizzcon that KT amd ZD would come after this raid.


I’m beginning to think that Blizzard intentionally kept that troll spawn rate low to make it seem like there was more to do than just “Go here…kill these guys for us. We have an army, and elementals and stuff, but we can’t handle those trolls.”

They never said that, but ok.


No they said after the raid.


So I wasn’t the only one, then. My eyes still feel funky after finishing that chain in the fog.

if you can go by what’s been data-mined from the PTR in ref the changes coming for the children’s week event the patch (8.1.5) is going live on the April 29th maintenance

weird how they used to be able to release expansions with the races promised already included at purchase


I wish I could even be angry. I just don’t care anymore. Why bother to care when the devs and the publishers don’t?



Also @

Can’t post the image since I don’t have a high enough trust level (Which is weird because I seem to fill all the requirements needed), so look at this post.

Like me, I’m guessing he was waiting for something that he’d actually be interested in to drag him back in to the game, but since it hasn’t happened, he’s given up. Tbh, at least he’s angry about it. I just don’t care anymore.

This isn’t a situation where Blizz has loads of quality content to go through. They don’t. Their whole problem is that they think the game is still hot poop when it’s just complete poop instead. Raids are still a disaster. Class design is awful. Even the world quests are boring slogfests that should be done in two minutes or less, because it’s not fun content. In the words of someone that actually cares about making good games, “If it’s not fun, why bother?”

If Blizz aren’t making fun content, then it’s pointless for me to engage in it. I really only play at this point if my friends do.

Good on you for having fun. Most people aren’t having fun with the game though, and they’re going to say why because WoW’s a game that they likely cared much about up until this point.

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Yes, actually they did. Thank you, Tiridan, for the link! I’ll repost the image.


It’s nice when someone can literally show the proof of why our assumptions were made.

Look, I just don’t understand the sense of it. Your race literally influences what class you can be, and thus if you’re in a raid it influences what you can play! I literally swapped to a druid for BfA so I would be able to become Kul Tiran, because I was reasonably sure my Deathknight would NOT be able to select the race.

So it’s time to go hit the new raid - do I want to use my Druid? Not at all, it’s a horrible looking bear by the current choices, which were indicated to us as different FOR LAUNCH. Do I want to use my Deathknight? Well I’d love to, but then I will only get the fun of the allied race on an alt.

It’s just not fun. It’s like someone is consistently, willfully choosing the options that are not fun.

Strangely enough, I’m here for fun.

PS: This is the OP, posting from different computers keeps changing which character I post as. Can’t change it after the post.

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So much nerd rage.

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And this was necessary because…?

If you don’t have actual input either for or against something, please don’t post your snark. Keep it to yourself.


Maybe you should look in to that.