Will I even see playable Kul'tirans before my sub runs out?

I really wish they’d hurry up and release them, I don’t understand what the wait is for at this point. I get that they wanted us to spend time with the races until we could earn their friendship and trust, but haven’t we done enough of that? Really disappointed they didn’t choose to release them with the raid.


This is how I feel waiting for Zandalari and Kultirans:



I suppose for all of us there is a lesson here - let’s not purchase until the things we are paying for are available.


Brb, buying a lottery ticket,going to have more of a chance with that.

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You feel kicked in the teeth, just because a game company is keeping to their schedule, NOT changing their plans because of what YOU want? That is taking “think-skinned” to a new level. Or is “snowflake” the new meme?

Blizzard NEVER told us that Kul Tirans would be playable when BFA launched. Every time allied races have been mentioned, the schedule has been the same.

Blizzard NEVER told us that we could play “skinny Kul Tirans”. The whole idea of “playable skinny Kul Tirans” was started by players, in this forum, months after Blizzcon. I saw it happen. I was here. I’ve seen dozens of threads about it – and none of them claim Blizzard promised it, except you.

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Uh… this slide would like to say hi.

And this is the interview about skinny KT:

Are Thin Humans going to be an Allied race, are they NPCs, what’s the weird, thin Human model? So, Thin Man and Fat Man are what we call them internally. And no, they’re not intended to be a different race, [they’re] just variants on Kul Tirans. So, generally, when we’re spawning up Kul Tiras on the design side, we looked at using them as kind of our… maybe it’s a little bit like, ‘The big guy’s the bouncer!’ Or, ‘The big guy’s the ruffian who’s got a little guy up by the neck! And then the little guy’s more the scoundrel and they’re always holding daggers or leanin’ up against something,’ and, I don’t know, it just gives us a little more flavor and texture to the world.


Then plans changed and they switched mag’har in. It happens. Game development isn’t simple.

I’m not arguing that. I’m arguing the fact that Gari flipped out and claimed the AR release schedule never changed.

But the Zandalari were announced to release at launch during Blizzcon.

Edit: Rhielle already has that covered :slight_smile:

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Fair, but people here adhere to that as the final plans. Honestly one thing getting pushed back and replaced is much better than some other expansions where stuff was removed (Farralhan says hi)

It’d be hilarious if they took out Zandalari and KT because they can’t finish them or some excuse on how they had to change the Azerite system and didn’t have time. LOL

This expansion has just been so rushed and incomplete so far, it’s glaringly obvious. I don’t know much about game development but it’s kind of absurd how badly “good” ideas in concept have turned out.

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Trust me the GD wishes that was the case. They’d have a real reason to complain finally.

Not arguing that.

Sure, it’s been 5 months… and in that time we’ve had access to six other allied races, with more confirmed on the horizon.

Is the wait a little long? Sure. I personally think it’s time for Zandas and KTs to be released now, but I think it’s also a bit hyperbolic to imply that the five months we’ve had since the game’s release has been filled with nothing.

It’s been filled with a lot of stuff we don’t want, but not nothing.

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To be fair, it is bordering on a tad silly that they aren’t released yet. I mean, they’re reskins. It’s not like they created skeletons from scratch. You’d think by now, with all requirements finished, five months into the expansion, they’d be available. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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BfA isn’t as focused as Legion.

As of March 2018, Kul Tirans were still being speculated about:

So no, they were not announced since 2016. In fact, Battle for Azeroth wasn’t even announced until 2017. Even then, Zandalari and Dark Iron were announced at that time with no word of Maghar or Kultirans.

I’m so sick and tired of people complaining with made up facts.


You’re mistaken. Skinny and fat kul’tirans were listed as 2 variations of the kul’tiran playable allied race. They had entire powerpoint slides on it in 2017 Blizzcon. It’s simply yet another feature they announce and then never make their promise.

“Reskin” does NOT mean reusing a skeleton. It would mean the geometry is also the same, which it is not. Female Zandalari is practically the same as normal female troll, but other than that it’s all new geo and therefore not a “reskin”.