I boosted every character I want to play already, so I can say without bias

That changing mob behavior seems immersion breaking. Keep the ‘big level difference = no exp’ thing, but I don’t like giving the enemy AI cheats if they’re CC’d too long.

This community is full of misinformation, I’ve heard that “mobs will teleport behind you nothing personnel kid, they’ll break through paladin bubbles, they’ll stun you, etc.” All ridiculous and I can’t see find a source. But from what I do see here:

You won’t be able to kite mobs after an arbitrary amount of time. This seems like an annoying change that you would find out about in the worst way. For example, you’re a mage trying to kite mobs out in the world or with your party in a dungeon, then suddenly they just zerg you down when your spellbook never informed you that your slows would just stop working.

EDIT: I was wrong about the ‘misinformation.’ Turns out a lot of it was true, see link:


It’s really not that bad and needs several months of real-world testing before they go and make additional changes

LMAO :rofl:


Yeah we could wait and see a bit, but I just pained the scenario that’s going to happen while we wait. Seems really annoying.

Something great about the Classic so far is that it feels immersive. You go to a trainer for power, you gain talents as you level, you have to buy your riding training and ‘have your mount with you’ in your bags, etc. I would also be “LMAO’ing” if someone said that about retail, with all the bells and whistles that really highlight “I’m playing a video game.” The immersion in Classic makes it feel like you’re in a “world.” One way to break immersion is BS mechanics that are never explained in-game and don’t make any real sense. How’s it make sense for a mob to look at a stopwatch and say “oh I’ve been frozen for 30 seconds, I just won’t be frozen now COWABUNGA!”

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I mean from personal testing this is exactly what happens. Strath mobs can stun through pally bubbles and I cant verify the shadow labs mobs teleport to mages thing. Post on wowhead goes over some of these changes.

Odly enough no changes to deadmines, stocks, or sm from what I have tested.


Yet they won’t do anything about the GDKPs with absurd amounts of 100% totes legit gold because of Muh Community
Better to punish the random dude who can barely farm 200g an hour in a dungeon cuz everything in the open world is either overcrowded or gives a measly amount of gold for the effort considering he’s up against Bobby the Botter and the army of players forced into the open world.
This ends up punishing only the new players because the rich ones already have 7 alts with gold cap via gdkps with 100% legit totally no RMT gold


Ok I found the link, thanks for mentioning where to find it. Yeah those are some ridiculous changes. A paladin bubble is the ultimate “nope.” Having mobs able to arbitrarily break it because people farm gold is so lame.


Luckily outdoor mobs remain untouched. Sadly some of these changes can be bad for normal groups. Like oh crap moments… wait cant frost nova the mob off the healer because we were doing aoe pulls and the tank died.

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Welcome to the Shaman world. Tremor totem has been getting ignored in raids/dungeons all TBC. /cry


No it hasn’t, temor just pulses every few seconds it not constantly breaking fear. The issue is so many fears like in SP just make you zoom outta the fight way faster than normal run speed, you’re out of range by the next pulse.

I didnt know exploiting was immersion… i cant stop laughing lol its become uncontrolable


I am well aware of how fear and tremor totem works. What you are saying isn’t the case. Bliz completely ignores the totem in some cases.

Exactly how many whining mage/paladin gold farmers we going to get today? The first 50 were hilarious but now its getting ridiculous


These gold farmers are full blow addicted and we’ve now just cut off their supply. What we are seeing is a bunch of addicts going through withdraw.

And what is all this crying for? Because it means they have to join the rest of us in the open world for their gold farming

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We get it, you are mad. To bad bud, deal with the changes. They aren’t going to reverse them because you made an angry thread about your “immersion.”

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People making mountains out of mole hills over this. Like usual.

Your clutch frost novas will still be effective you just cant kite a huge crowd of mobs indefinitely now. Welcome to mortality mages.

You didn’t address the post. I showed how it breaks immersion and is an annoying change that affects more than gold farmers. Also not that it matters, but I don’t farm dungeons for gold. I use TSM and professions which is how I could afford boosting all the alts I want to play. Like I said, it doesn’t effect me, but I know if I play mage or paladin and mobs arbitrarily break CC or knock me down through my bubble it’ll be super annoying.

What immersion is this breaking?

You mean the immersion of you blizzarding 30+ mobs at a time for 5 minutes straight until you finally AOE them down, collect their loot, and inject the raw gold into the economy?

That immersion?

You said it makes you feel like you are in a “world” well guess what that world just adapted and found a way to shut you out. By your own logic you should be praising this change because now npcs aren’t just sitting there and taking it.

Already addressed.