I’ma say it. I’m sick and tired of seeing all the other classes getting the royal treatment and I see everyone in here just begging and prostrating themselves for scraps. Latching onto abilities because they can just get one more flameshock out (PW) to be able to function when other classes just dance on their keys and you see the damage numbers spike.
This classes has been neglected so much. I remember when BFA first dropped after legion the shaman class was still tuned and designed around the Artifact and it took a whole patch cycle to fix that.
Can’t wait to go into TWW and find out that the hero talents we got right now do not change AT all and half the talents are left broken for a whole patch cycle until people start spilling over into other class threads.
Do it you cowards. Show us how you really feel. Come on. DO IT!
It’s really insane that we got essentially no changes for an entire expansion and now we’re months into alpha and still no notes. It does give the impression that we are less so “developed” and more “begrudgingly maintained.”
They could have made searing totem a proc like pet thing that drops when you use an ability and just made it an ethereal thing like some of the lesser temp summons other classes use. For flavor and its not something you have to hit. It just happens. Equal to that of a dot on the target like a lesser Imp.
I’ve liked shaman for a long time cause i adore the totems but i do see the problem as there was no non totem builds. This is what they should have done with the talent reworks. Made passive or totem style builds.
Thanks for dropping all these points. It seems like they need a new team that understands shamans and we aren’t getting that anytime soon with how half hearted the hero talents are. I looked at them. Wow you have to spend 400 resource to get a one off ability that by the looks of the talents doesn’t do much and that stormkeeper already does better.
If you want to be a mail caster, you must be an evoker now (provided you like being gutted to 25 yards , being an ugly dragon and probaly stuck in the buffbot jail)
I feel like you are new to shaman. It was like this in bc, even when they were op, they ignored their existence. The joke used to be “if they forget we exist, they won’t need us anymore,”
Seems like it could be solved by having totems with a decent health pool and immunity to AoE damage. Enhancement is a Totemic warrior, totems should be important. They just need to not be insta-killable.
If this doesn’t get fixed, I don’t think any elemental players are going to play stormkeeper at all. I bet it will take at least 3 weeks into the expansion for Blizz to lower it though.
Well I will be honest I think he is the one that is keeping Shamans all specs where we are. And only begrudgingly changes shamans.
Clearly he does not like 2h Enhancement. with how he refuses to allow it to return but I do ahve to say with how 2h Frost returned I think its a good thing. Enhancement would be a worse version of Frost DK. But again this is just my opinion. Do not get me wrong I love how Enhancement plays now and not what Legion and Bfa turned us into a poor mans fury warrior.
I have some things I would love to see returned to Enhancement. But I mentioned him as the title of this thread. I think that would be a reason for us to keep Shamans.
Ok. Either way, that doesnt put resto sham in a good light. My point remains.
Maybe I misunderstood. The implication I got is that Ion put more focus on rsham being useful for high end raiding, compared to the dps specs. Due to his experience as a high end resto sham back in the day.
I am saying that even with that “benefit”. You know. The mastery that is so bad you dont ever want any on your gear. Even when doing progression content.
They are still not good at progression content compared to other healers.