Got it.
As long as we ignore whats going on today, then yeah. You might be right.
Yeah. Resto gets copied/pasted talents from other specs, and “just make more stuff cast chain heal”
Got it.
As long as we ignore whats going on today, then yeah. You might be right.
Yeah. Resto gets copied/pasted talents from other specs, and “just make more stuff cast chain heal”
I felt your rage so hard that I woke my wife up.
A friend would let me play wow on his PC at his house cause i was poor. I played shaman but didn’t get far cause when it was sunny out we would go bike riding. So i never got high enough to do the two handed super bonk.
As for this char this was made in cata pre-patch when goblins became playable.
As for my attitude I’m just upset and was feeling angy spicy so i just feel like lashing out and screaming into the void and hopes the void lords blizz created descend on the ones that made bad choices.
Cmon guys its still early im sure blizz is cooking up something good…right…right.
Probably left the meat out too long its gone off and now reeks and they are just ignoring it. I bet they get takeaway probably eating at the warlock place “healthstones”
Sorry after the legion to BFA incident I realize where shamans really stand. TWW will come out and it will be a patch in before they realize they forgot to finish shaman.
Yeah. I don’t think there is a shaman dev team. We just get handed to whoever finishes their class first.
I’ve heard the Dev’s drew inspiration from DnD for the classes…
I’d like to point out that Druids of the Moon are considered to be OP and are the Beastform specialists.
I’d also like to point out that Paladins are considered so good they could get away with not picking a subclass and still dominate.
Finally, I’d like to point out that DnD doesn’t have a Shaman class or subclass.
Just an interesting correlation to the current issues and balance of the game.
P.S. Interestingly Bards have been more effective in the recent versions of the game… they have a habit of supporting the team with buffs.