I believe WoW no longer needs healers

The game would be so much better, thank you friend for supporting the removal of augvokers. You are truly a gentleman among the unwashed masses here.


i understand how happy you are that i have shown you the correct answer which is that aug vokers have taken over the role of the healer, therefore making healers out dated and, unfortunately, redundant :slight_smile:

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I agree, everyone should make a healer and hop into keys. Thank you friend for the support of healers in mythic plus.


Dude, you’re taking too long to respond.


you are very good at sharing opinions, which is amazing. the more you share your opinion, the better of an opportunity i have to correct you and help you to see the true answer.

I invite you to read over, not only my posts in this wonderful thread, but the posts of everyone else who also so admirably advocating for the removal of healers in lieu of augment evokers :slight_smile:

take care, thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to teach you, friend :slight_smile:

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Thank you again for the support of removing augvoker. You, friend, have given us all a the ammo we need to have augvoker removed from the game. Absolute legend.

you are so lovely to come here and give me the opportunity to teach you. i invite you to read over all of the amazing material in this thread.

I was so glad to have this interaction with you but unfortunately, I must take my leave and allow you to spend some time informing yourself of the greatness provided by augment evokers and why they make healers redundant in this thread.

I hope you have a lovely and wonderful rest of your evening :slight_smile:

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Healers have long been a crutch for allowing folks to stand in bad. I love healing as a role, but I hate it when I’m just a crutch to stand in bad. So… sure. Keep buffing defensives. I can DPS pew pew too.

Edit: we could also fix the problem by giving dps who stand in bad a damage debuff… but they cry a lot about that idea.

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Yep, my toons, unlike yours, are all linked and I don’t hide.

I’m glad you support healers instead of augvokers. Praise be to he.

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How do we link toons? Sorry. I’ve just seriously returned to the forums in the last couple months and have no idea that our characters can be linked?

Edit: Well almost a year now, but still did not know this is a thing.

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Haha, no worries, this guy knows me cause I mess with him on the regular. Otherwise, you link all your toons on raiderio.com for running keys.

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Ohhhhhh Raider IO links. Derp. I thought you were saying forum links up mains/characters. Which would negate the whole post under your btag argument.

Thanks. I feel less confused now.


I wish the forums had a singular id, but guys like Krogh here, do not support that because they believe the forums are for trolling and not for genuine discourse.


I like being able to post under different characters because I like role playing. But the RP forums have since died and gone to the Shadowlands in the years I’ve been missing. It would be acceptable to post on different characters in that respect to move a story along, but for almost all other forums one identity is enough especially when btag requires friend accepts.


Dude, don’t get me started on how much I miss the vanilla forums and being able to call out peeps on them. Now you risk a ban if you @ someone here in general and it just sucks.


Oooo @ works here? I was wondering if that command did something. But also yes, I can see peeps getting mad if it is used and the ban hammer coming down.

Edit: It’d also come down because I’d @ people into every silly response I found and it could get annoying. So maybe it should be used sparingly.


Horrible take, and you’re still keeping with the problem that “every group needs an aug”. So this solves nothing and makes the game worse overall.


OP’s gotta be a troll, every time I’ve seen him post it’s one of the worst takes I’ve ever seen.

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By that logic, people who enjoy DPS specs, could just roll traditional healers, because they’ll still do at least a LITTLE damage.

People enjoy specific party functions and gameplay aspects for a reason.

WoW can easily have a Saboteur class like Augmentation Evoker, without having to encroach on Healers, Tanks, or DPS.

I’m so sick and tired of Meta Chasers trying to be like “my DETAILS NUMBERS” and then try to derail an entire game or mold what everyone needs to play.

Support as a concept has a place in WoW, it doesn’t mean removing healers.

They already KINDA do. There is a talent to make Emerald Blossom Increase your Ebon Might’s Duration. It’s not the BEST. But it’s a thing.

The addition of Augmentation also took away the need for EVERY class if you wanna go like that.

They are reverse tanks, with spells that literally STOP another player from gaining Aggro in order order to help control the battlefield.

They are literally Buffers/Debuffers. They shouldn’t be going past that mold, it’s a cool and exciting addition to the game.

If you take away healing, as a role or function, A LOT of players will leave this game, because they like to solely play healers.

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That’s a hard NO from me big dawg, an overall bad idea.