I beg of you... please do not enter M+ without knowing which mechanics in the dungeon will wipe your group

I was on evoker and was focusing the add, you want the healer to kill the adds? Evoker doesn’t take a hard stop in m+. This has also been discussed, all of the reasons dps wants to blame the healer for wipes have been discussed.

Everyone. Meaning tank, dps, and healer.

It’s not about finding reasons to blame the healer. That fight has so little damage going out besides the intermittent and long CD group aoe. The healer should be the one getting the crossbow, why would dps stop to get it?

You read into it wrong. I’m aware how crossbows work. But if I was in a 2 or a 4 I may not have run that dungeon many times and may not have seen the mechanic go wrong. Everyone starts at different times and learns at different rates. What if those players 2 chested their first key and that NO was their second? Would they know what to do if they never ran the dungeon before?

I suspect no matter what I say you’re just looking for a reason to be mad. Have at it.

Sure, and if you didn’t even read a basic guide you’re counting on someone else to know that mechanic or else the group wipes.

I’m not saying “do not make mistakes or I’ll leave.” I am not a leaver, I will keep healing you as long as you’re willing to keep trying. And I’ll explain the mechanic and help you figure it out. But in +4s, there are simple mechanics that can wipe the raid if nobody knows them, knowing what those are is part of being a good team member.

To be honest, in most boss fights if there’s an add you have to focus it. And there are addons that will tell you to focus adds when they come out. That boss is super simple with that one easy trick. Make sure the add doesn’t make it to the crossbows.

I always get the crossbows as a healer, but the mechanic is- if the add gets to the crossbows they start an uninterruptible cast to dismantle them. So if DPS doesn’t switch their attention to the add that boss will wipe the raid.

Everyone I know goes into dungeons and raids blind. We learn by playing the game. If something goes wrong we figure out what it was and what to do about it. That includes each bosses gimmick. There really isn’t much going on in a +4 to take notice of. You might just be running into people learning by playing. If you want to research every little thing before you actually see it happen, go for it. But there are a lot of people out there, including myself that won’t. I usually stop progressing in keys after I get portals then drop back down to 8s for vault. Things more or less stay the same up to that point. There are some boss gimmicks and a handful of trash mobs (or combinations of) that can give you a hard time. I’m still not going to study every mechanic before I go into a dungeon.


That’s how I always do it. If I were in a genuine progression mythic raiding guild or in a group of people who try to really push high M+ keys I would obviously invest some time in reading/watching videos. But pugging normal/heroic raids, and doing like KSH level keys? You can make tons of mistakes and learn as you go in those contents and still time it if you’re a relatively competent player.

The issue with this is that there are always a few mechanics that you don’t really learn by playing. They are not obvious and neither is the solution to them.

One example is the Gulping Goliath in HOI. Literally every low key group I have done this season did not know how to do this boss. They tried to run away from the adds and DPS them instead of leading them into the circle. This is the kind of mechanic that you’d understand a lot better if you’d just watched a video.


To be perfectly honest with you, I finished getting all my portals 6 weeks ago and had no idea you run them into the circle. Lol I always just on instinct run close to the tank so everyone can cleave them–so I guess I was doing it correctly by mistake just from years of ‘if I’m trouble, run to the tank.’ Lol

You’re not alone, nobody at low keys knows. Like I said not every mechanic or the solution to it is obvious.

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Exactly. And that’s part of the fun is figuring it out. Not everything needs to be solved before you even see it. That’s how my raid does things. Wing it until that doesn’t work and go from there.

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I learned that by seeing it happen. Saw a couple frogs get eaten and recommended we do it intentionally next time. It’s not super hard to understand, just have to watch what’s happening on your screen.

But as others have said, a lot of people don’t know. They just keep going in to keys and someone else knows the mechanic and takes care of it. Until everyone in the key has been counting on others to know the mechanics, and nobody knows the mechanics, and the key is bricked.

I’m still not seeing your issue. You’re asking for people do do homework for a 4. And it’s the risk you run if you’re always pugging.

I mean if people did that, wouldn’t everyone’s life be easier? Isn’t it OK to ask people to do things that make everyone’s life easier?

I’ve actually been playing the game lately and have done a lot of keys gearing up my enhance shaman.

It seems like most everyone in a +2 or +6 key knows every mechanic in every dungeon. Probably since they are farm keys.

The +3 to +7 range is where the riots happen. Wait times for groups get longer. This is the range you have the token clueless keyholder getting carried by 1 or 2 grinders.

The worst key is +5 where I’ve had multiple groups wait for 15 minutes or more then disband before entering the dungeon. For entertainment purposes I stayed in a +5 NO where we wiped 2 or 3 times each boss (yes even the first one).

Also, what is with the prot pallies trying to play like VDH? It is like they don’t understand they lose all their threat and DR running away from their consecrate. Had this multiple times the past week. If you want to play a moblie tank don’t play BDH or Prot Pal.

If it’s just the key holder even we can get through! The +6s I’ve done so far have gone pretty well. I feel like +4 is the worst.

I mostly agree with the rest of what you said but had to dispute this last point a bit. BDK doesn’t lose anywhere near what a Prot Paladin does for not standing its ground effect. It’s some haste, some healing and some damage interactions but it’s not a loss of DR like Paladin. Ideally you’ll want to be in it to get the most out of things like Tombstone but you won’t fall over if you step out.

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