I beg of you... please do not enter M+ without knowing which mechanics in the dungeon will wipe your group

I just had 2 failed low NO keys where a) dps didn’t know to focus the saboteur on the first boss, resulting in multiple wipes, and b) dps didn’t know to grab balls on second boss, resulting in wipes. First boss is a mechanics check, second boss is a dps check because his damage ramps up over the fight.

There are multiple content creators making mythic plus videos that walk you through mechanics, Quazii on YT is a good one.

More of a healer check. Doesn’t matter if dps are getting orbs if healer isn’t.


Yeah, know the mechanics. That said, I can’t think of a fight off the top of my head this season where someone- at least a non-tank- not knowing mechanics leads to a direct wipe in a lower key, more just making it harder on everyone else. I had to yell at a DPS in Uldaman yesterday who was taking the orbs on the second boss to the side of the room and making me (tank) chase them all over the place.

There is nothing as bad this season as a person not knowing the K.U.-J.0. fight in Mechagon (shudders).

I meant eventually it will one shot everyone, gotta kill him before then.

ALL the DPS didn’t know mechanics. One dps not knowing mechanics is generally doable. But none of them knew what to do.

Watching videos to learn dungeons is so abnormal.


what key lvl?
watching/reading about something doesnt mean you can execute it, sometime you gotta try it. Im sure you have been there, we all have


+4! All they had to do was keep the saboteur from dismantling the crossbow, which I was standing next to waiting to trigger.

When you say the second boss is a dps check it sort of comes off as you trying to shift responsibility as a healer. The reality is that a good healer can keep a prolonged fight going just as the dps can shorten the fight. In the end its an “everything” check.


agreed, (unless youre noticeably undergeared) maintaining 10 stacks of orbs as a healer should be enough

although in very low keys people have a fascination with dipping their toes in the tempest’s puddle

No. The raging tempest only gains stacks if orbs hit it.

If you couldn’t heal through the damage it means either orbs hit the boss or you didn’t get orbs yourself.

You are literally guilty of the sin you accuse others of. You don’t know the dungeon mechanics.

Sounds very much to me like you didn’t know you had to pick up orbs, so you didn’t have enough stacks and couldn’t heal through the damage.


If nobody focuses it you can para the mob.

Also, second boss doesn’t ramp??

Theres something about posts like this that just kinda dont make sense to me…

Idk but what are you accomplishing by begging me and everyone else reading this to play well?
Like im not even playing this season I didnt wipe your group and neither did anyone else reading this.
Idk its just whats the point of making the post?
The people who actually need to hear what you have to say arent gonna see it.


I kept it going until the aoe one-shotted the DPS who were undergeared lol. I only have one external.

I was playing my evoker, and evokers generally don’t take a hard cc like landslide or sleepwalk in mythic +.

I used my slow, but the dismantle is uninterruptible via knockback or up.

I think it’s funny that people want a healer to carry people who don’t know the dungeon. The second boss ramps up when the orbs reach him! Gotta get the orbs!

I wasn’t even the first leaver!

I don’t expect people to play perfectly. All I asked is that they read or watch for basic mechanics in m+. I will never call out your dps or complain when you die to avoidable damage. But you can read the icyveins page before you enter a +4.

Why read mechanics when people will know them more or less after they fail once?

As others have said before I had a chance to respond, this doesn’t happen if the orbs are collected. The healer should have priority on getting stacks and the dps can’t and shouldn’t be dying unless they are standing inside the boss or circles.

Pretty sure I said in my initial post that the mechanic they didn’t know was collecting orbs?

What were you doing? Unless they were actively avoiding all of the orbs you should be able to grab most of them if needed.

Apparently I’m supposed to be able to solo m+ as a healer.

But 2 man is likely possible.

DPS can be low, but as long as u get orbs you will have the healing output to keep everyone alive in a low key.