I asked ChatGPT about new warlock combos

The Night Elf one didn’t even mention Demon Hunters. :dracthyr_lulmao:

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IT’s very repetitive. Doesn’t mention similar archetypes each race has. But this new ai is definitely interesting. Hope it isn’t something like Skynet some day :hushed: :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:

Definetly didn’t mention the different sorts of orders and magics that each race could pull from to make them more racially flavored.
HMT - Feltotem
Tauren - Grimtotem (they are more open to dark magics)
Pandaren - Sha/jade witches
Zandalari- Demoniacs
Lightforged - Former Eredar turned by Naaru
Kul Tiran - Drust magics/ human allies in stormwind.

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Yea I noticed that as well. I like how they do a great job at remaining neutral or unbiased, and how eloquently they express objective information.

It pulls up information off the internet. It even states before using the ChatGPT

Edit, I just if Human Warlocks are accepted within the Human Society, and I think I’ve found an answer for all those throwing a tantrum over Warlocks being unlocked to other races:

It’s important to note that World of Warcraft is a dynamic and evolving universe, and societal perspectives can change over time due to various events and story developments. Additionally, player characters can have their own unique stories and relationships within the game, allowing for individual interpretations and role-playing choices.

Thank you for coherently composing commentary (isn’t alliteration fun?) on the very thing that was bothering me about these AI chatbots, so I didn’t have to. I really don’t see what is so amazing about them, and I can’t help but roll my eyes every time someone proclaims “how accurate they are!”, when they are seldom are. They’re simply regurgitating what they glean from the internet, which is factually inaccurate at best.

I love having conversations with chatGPT. It’s impressive how it keeps things objective and points out subjectivities. It doesn’t confuse what is true, what is false, and what is a matter of taste or opinion. It’s better than 99.9% of the people out there.

It is actually pulling up non-canon sources, and incorrect lore as well. Ask far more questions, and you’ll see.

I’m not sure if you will understand, but the remarkable aspect of this new AI lies in its machine learning techniques, not merely its database. It’s fascinating to witness how the AI takes the information it has and interacts with it in an incredibly impressive manner. Yet, it’s interesting to note that people often fixate on the limitations of the database, failing to recognize the true marvel of the AI’s learning capabilities.

If the sole criticism directed at the AI revolves around its limited database or its reliance on internet sources, it’s worth taking a moment of self-reflection. Consider the limitations of our own “human database” — our knowledge and information gathering methods. Our personal databases can be riddled with biases and inaccuracies, and many individuals lack the skills to effectively navigate and search the vast expanse of the web.

So, instead of focusing solely on the AI’s database limitations, let us appreciate the incredible capacity of machine learning to derive insights and make connections from the available data. It’s a testament to the power of AI technology and an opportunity for us to reflect on the potential shortcomings of our own information resources.


yeah, this masterful display of high-level reasoning and logic is clearly a threat to humanity

A not so subtle slight, thanks for that. The rest of the post was rife with even more snubs against the human intellect in general, and a nearly worshipful glorification of the AI:

It makes me wonder it it wasn’t copypasta’d in some manner from a blurb trying to sell the AI bot’s features. Did you in fact, get it to write it for you?

Are you some kind of AI hater? Sorry, did not know it was a thing. Stay strong in your beliefs (I really don’t care)… LOL

Again, the cool thing about these new AIs is their machine learning capabilities. It’s not about their database, but rather how they use data and understand text and language. That’s the key point I want to emphasize here. So, if you grasp this concept, that’s what really matters.

What I dislike is this recent trend of quoting AI bot compositions on the forums as some sort of credible argument, whether for or against the point of view of the poster. This is a discussion board, and there is no original thinker behind the dissertation…no author whose ideas can be considered with any honest deliberation.

You also claim that it has an understanding of text and language. Upon reviewing any example of the chatbot’s dialogue containing three or more paragraphs, any professional writer would laugh in the face of that assertion. It’s verse is pretentious, inflated, and repetitive.

My critique isn’t based on hate or fear. It’s a rather impressive step in the direction of autonomous authoring…but it is not the “incredibly impressive, truly marvelous testament” it’s touted to be, and there’s certainly no self-determination present. As Jalanili stated above…

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Incorrect. It pulls up information off of an internal database of files, articles, both of off and online sources, gathered up to 2021, as well as of other users’ input. It cannot search on the internet.

Of course it can state incorrect information. That does not mean it does not know the difference between canon and not canon.

Again, try it for yourself and you’ll see.

I totally agree. Like, that’s the whole idea of the warlock class, they are outcasts, they are not generally accepted within their parent race’s culture. I think Lightforged warlocks are such a cool concept, cause they would use the Light to bind their demons. That’s totally something the Light would do. It’s about domination and serfdom.

Lol these suck and half of them are clearly wrong about these races. Kul Tiran and Zandalari warlocks, for example are totally a thing. Their conflicts of interest and types of magic the ai mentions there is inaccurate.

Well, I happen to know quite a few professional writers, and I can assure you that they wouldn’t mock someone for producing a less-than-stellar text. It seems like you have a rather personal stance on this matter and may be projecting.

Let’s face it, not all humans are proficient in expressing themselves in even a single language. Repetition, though it may be an issue, certainly doesn’t undermine the impressive capabilities of AIs when it comes to understanding and interpreting text and language. The ability to learn is definitely there.

You misrepresent my meaning, and it’s telling that you presume I would respond to an honest writer’s efforts with cruelty.

I specifically stated that a professional writer…after reviewing an example of it’s work…would laugh in the face of the assertion that a chatbot, though well programmed, actually has an ‘understanding’ of language. If you can’t be honest in this debate, we are done.


We’re going about this all wrong.
We need to use Image AI to create fanart of Lightforged Draenei goth girls. All of a sudden half of y’all would be justifying it too.

Well, sorry to say, but your statement is just plain untrue. I mean, seriously, objectively untrue. It’s not a matter of opinion here. You can check out some YouTube videos featuring writers, philosophers, and teachers, and guess what? They all agree that while AI still has room for improvement, it definitely understands language and text.

Don’t forget the dataset available to chatGpt is at least 2 years old

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I’m just glad the majority doesn’t care about this lore and Blizzard will do it anyway :slight_smile: all races all classes is a great idea.

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