I asked ChatGPT about new warlock combos

You can die if you don’t have enough water.

You can drown in water.

Water is the keyword in both scenarios.

That doesn’t mean, though, that the presence of water is murderous to humans, or that you can pour it on a dying person and revive them. Other stuff needs to happen.

It’s the same with Draenei and going Broken/Krokul.

So are your thoughts.

ChatGPT also says Night Elf society revolves around shape-shifting …So, yeah.

Meh still think a big fat Panda Warlock is hilarious and prolly gonna switch mine to one.

That or Female Draenei just cause of the animations fit so well.

are you… are you arguing with a chatbot?


When not if.

Something they will never do. So we just get more stupidity and nonsense.

Should’ve been Lightbound demons.

Guess Chatgpt never heard of the grimtotems or bloodtotems or the entirety of legion.
So much Fel infused beef running around it was like the green eggs n ham Dr suess book.


I have no mouth and I must scream I have no mouth and I must scream I have no mouth and I must scream I

And the Highborne Night elves that were expelled from Kalimdor mutated into High elves during the very same journey before reaching Quel’thalas. Yet we never see this happening with Night elves again every time they abandon Kalimdor now.

And Alleria spent 1000 years in the most Fel intoxicated place in the WoW universe and her eyes didn’t change to green.

Lore changes, lore adapts, lore gets retconned.

Everything is going to be okay.

how can you be an atheist when we know the planet is literally alive and the Earthmother is real through that?
I mean I guess there’s denying divinity but you can’t say she isn’t real unless your character doesn’t know about why there’s a giant sword sticking out of Silithus

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I asked ChatGPT about new warlock combos

You asked a robot that pulls up also non-canon sources from the internet too?

I mean, it does provide a much better discussion than what you could have with any posters here on this forum.

Indeed it does… indeed it does.

What sword?

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You just don’t have to believe they are gods, just powerful beings

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I don’t care about if the class matches the LORE. You as the player pick the class. Just like in dungeons and dragons. screw the lore. Since they don’t want to develop class/spec immersion since legion anyway.


Every single race does. Its not an orc or draenei thing. Orcs, draenei and elves are just the only example where you can see it.

Vulpera would turn into ragged little murder-foxes, forsaken bones would twist and warp.

You saw the feltotem for highmountain, who drank demon blood and had much more extreme results.


It really is. I’ve seen reports that the AI’s are actually better than folks real therapist lol.

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They do not pull up non-canon sources and consider them as canon, in fact. They do a great job differentiating between canon and non-canon. You should try it, it’s free to use.