I am worried about heroic warfronts

They are a great idea in theory but I kind of have got used to you know, just sitting around, watching other people fight while I just sit around hand in resources to a base etc, that’s what warfronts have pretty much catered to, it will be a huge shock to actually have to do stuff.



I’m super excited.

When you want to do that lazy stuff just que for a normal warfront. :purple_heart:


Yeah I will have to remember that. Will be a huge cultural shock I think.

Apparently you’re one of the few, as I have seen 0 feedback about them on the PTR.

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If you actually took part instead of sitting around for the carry then maybe you’d worry less?


Hmmmm, we may have to tweak our afk technique.


Handing in resources is doing stuff. Someone has to do it. Now if you just run in a circle around the base while waiting for the resources so the game doesn’t kick you for being afk then that is another story.

However, if you avoid getting kicked in these then I am sure you are up to doing enough to avoid getting kicked in these heroic ones as well. Well providing someone will invite you to their group.

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You don’t have to do Heroic warfronts. The regular version will still be there. Why are you worried another difficulty will be released?


Why are you worried, it will be a premade group activity. So if your group is fine with your gathering resources (which does actually help) don’t worry about it. It will take more effort but that just means you can’t have people slacking AFKing while auto following the main force.

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Yeah I’m a resource mule too. But occasionally you just have to fight while you wait for the trees to respawn.

My biggest concern is the armor. That’s the only reason I do warfronts really. Are we getting new armor sets from heroic mode? Recolours at least?

My only thoughts are the rewards better be worth it. Because I’ve got a sneaking suspicion it’s gonna be a real headache for the first month or so until the cookie-cutter responses to blizzards AI are hammered into the masses skulls.

I’m also excited. I really hope they offer a good collaboration requirement.

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Someone has to do the peon’s work.

I’m sure a few people focused on gathering resources as fast as possible are going to be needed for heroic warfronts, but being required to adapt and fight might be a possibility.

I just don’t understand what purpose they will serve. Is it just a thing to do with friends if you enjoy the structure of warfronts? Will the loot drops be M/M+ quality? Do you get current-patch-relevant currency rewards?

The whole warfront system was a cool idea executed poorly and this just seems like a harder version of potentially irrelevant content outside of maybe a once-per-cycle quest until people’s gear gets caught up.

Still bummed there is no pvp option, that is the only way that they would seem interesting and fun to do for me.

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rewards should be worth the time invested, well i hope

gathering ressources will be a major aspect of the warfront to quickly improve your armor and weapons of the npc soldiers, quickly building your fortress etc

Well, there is the once weekly Raid content and the chain spamming Mythic+ content that can get you better gear faster so what reward are these likely to give? BiS Essences? 5000 Azerite? Bee Mount?

If these are just harder Warfronts that require gear and coordination still stuck on a once every 3 week cycle and with the mandatory RP timer what is the reward that is worth spamming them for a week every four versus simply raiding and doing Mythic+.

Personally, I would rather not have to complete and gather resources for quest inside a Warfront. It is literally a waste of time when half the people in the group are running around gather or turning in quest and the rest of the people are spending their time progressing through the Warfront itself. In a lot of cases I have witnessed people still completing quest and gathering resources while a group of people are at the end defeating the boss of the encounter or never finish completing their quest before the Warfront is over. The massive design flaws of these Warfront’s is pathetic, but then there a lot in this expansion that has me shaking my head how someone on the Blizzard team thought some of these features were concepts worth placing in the game itself.

Since I do not raid or do PVP anymore that pretty much limits the various things in the game I will largely waste my time completing. These Expedition’s are as bad or worse than the Warfront’s. They have literally been reduced to farming pets and mounts while or after capping out at 50 with the Azerite. In fact, the entire point of doing the Expedition’s in the first place is to get ones Azerite. When you literally have no use for the stuff any longer. The Expedition’s themselves are utterly and completely worthless. I remember Ion or one of the other Blizzard people selling these Expedition’s at BlizzCon as the second coming of MoP Scenario’s, which if anyone actually has done those scenario’s one would come to the conclusion that the Expedition’s are literally nothing at all like the scenario’s.

This the problem Blizzard has created for themselves largely over the years. The made the entire game about the endgame content. The problem with much of the endgame content outside of raiding and endless ways to dungeon grind to one’s hearts content is largely garbage in every possible way after a point where going and doing much of that garbage content is no longer useful, other than if one levels a ton of alts.

If it were not for the fact that I do have a ton of alts. I would have literally had to stop playing the game due to the lack of actual thought when it came to designing and implementing many of these features.

Yeah, I could go back to do PVP and raiding, but given largely this community and how toxic it has become over many years. I no longer have the patients to stand around waiting for people to stop arguing long enough to kill a boss or work on a proper means in completing the encounter. PvP, at least from the BG’s I have done over the years from time to time has been reduced to honor and tokens. Beat the the boss or the time and you simply win and are able to queue up quickly for the next one. That is not real PVP and it is said that is being sold as such.

Point here is, Blizzard if they are going to continue selling this game as an endgame only content, then they need more people to uses their own heads when it comes to designing and implementing these features that barely last a whole patch cycle, much less an entire expansion cycle. Blizzard wonders why they can’t keep the world constantly full at all times. You literally have to make the world be more engaging and enticing. Just shoving things like Pathfinder Achievement in order to fly is not enough to make people want to continue doing content that became useless before they ever got to honor with a faction, much less revered or exalted with those factions.

Now from what little I have done on the PTR with the 8.2 content. There are more mounts and pets, than there is sustained content to keep the people wanting to continue doing that content past getting revered, no more than a month tops. The only thing really past the pets and mounts is the Azerite Essences. Once a person largely gets the Azerite Essences they are needing. They are going to find themselves in the same place they find themselves capped at 50 currently on the neck piece.

Ion has spent a lot of time over the years complaining that the reasons for Pathfinder are to keep the world fuller and alive much longer, but the content largely on its own is not there to support such a claim. If anything Blizzard has been their own worst enemy in trying to keep the world alive and engaging. WQ’s are find, but when you done the same everyday across many alts, but even they have become and reduced to what the dailies largely were in MoP. When you gives so few avenues to grind rep you literally create a problem of your own making.

Blizzard made this game largely about the endgame and raiding in Wrath. They need to get better at creating content and sustained and engaging content that does not require a person to raid or PVP. All these art and landscape that the Art Department creates is beautiful and enticing. The content past questing the zones, not so much.

This why Blizzard has so many people complaining about a drought in content. They have literally conditioned the player to rush to the endgame to literally find little to nothing past the usual raiding and PVP and in the PVP side of things. Most of that content is not at all new, much it goes back to Vanilla and beyond. Some have been updated and made more engaging at upper levels, but the same exact content is largely there.

This game when it was in its beginning stages was about the journey through the content and in most cases it took months to get through that content. I got the chance to stress test Classic the last couple times. It is amazing how much slower the progression was back then. Which made getting to the endgame far less rewarding than slugging ones way through the world content to cap. Sure once you knew the lay of the land and where all the quest dropped or were able to be picked up, leveling alts became a faster endeavor to get to the endgame. Though for many that journey was very long, many literally took 6 months to grind through much, if not all that content or even more. There concepts of endgame content were literally non-existent for many a moons.

Somewhere in Wrath Blizzard completely dumped this whole process of making the world be the content and the raiding largely the after thought for many. When they did this they literally created a void for the casual of players that did not find raiding to their liking or PVP was just not their bag, but they slugged through some of it to get mounts and gear and whatever else was there to largely purchase. Course there were the AOE fest dungeons one could grind for rep. That concept worked out so well that Blizzard put a stop to doing such a thing in a later expansion.

There is so much in this game that could have been done a better way without reducing the content to a cash cow for some to make gold off of. I can’t even imagine wanting to run Freehold as many times necessary to cap out at level 120. I can literally do all the quest in Tiragarde Sound and get to 118 in a couple of hours and that is also picking up treasures, profession herbing or mining, as well as killing the various rares in the zone. In a few case on an alt I literally got to 120 doing the same. Vol’dun is also similar on Horde side. Both zones have enough content to literally not have to go toanother zone to get to level cap. I am cheap and as such I would rather keep the gold I earn, it allows me to do so much more than just pay someone to grind me through a dungeon 8 or 10 times. Yeah, gold is nothing to make in this game, but I literally do not like throwing it away or giving it to someone else to hoard or sponge off of me to acquire whatever it is they do with their hundreds of thousands and millions of gold.


Heroic Warfronts are still gonna be boring afk ezmode scenarios. They should have been PvP only. Major letdown.

Heroic warfronts won’t take off as more than a novelty.

Folks have enough trouble getting 20 people together for raiding… there won’t be many groups willing to form up for warfronts.

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More work?

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