I am worried about heroic warfronts

Literally looks like all they did was inflate health pools to stretch the thing out.

I agree with you but if they reward them heavily enough and they probably will, things will change.



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But with what?

Mythic+ can be farmed endlessly for gear.

Warfronts are only up once every 3 weeks and only have relevance if you happen to be within that specific item level window on an alt. (And remain terribly boring even then.)

Assuming the Heroic version follows the same pattern what reward will be a decent carrot for getting a premade group together once every 4 weeks to spam them? Particularly if they are just higher damage with the same slow spawn rate on resources and RP tiddleywinks while waiting on siege engines to finish their job.

A piece of 430 ilvl gear from a quest ? I doubt they will be spammed either but there was no real point in spamming the existing ones either.

Arathi wasn’t bad the first few times farming up the lower tier gear. Particularly when there wasn’t a item level gate that only made the Warfront relevant for a handful of levels. Darkshore can die in a fire though.

Still, 1 piece of 430 gear every 3 weeks for boring content in premade groups versus spamming premade smaller group content for gear with no lockouts or arbitrary down times doesn’t seem like the kind of carrot that would draw much attention.


That’s pretty much all the attention they’ve gotten on PTR. Which is practically none, doesn’t mention rewards, and basically reads thus: buggy, requires premade, is harder than normal but retains the mandatory waiting periods.

So again, who’s going to do them and why?

They often don’t put rewards for doing that type of content on the PTR since that doesn’t need testing.

Cause who tf does warfronts LOL.

I’m looking forward to it.I don’t afk love to get in and do if my fingers would allow me.

Im only worried that im going to feel obligated to do them.

Luckily every one of my Horde guys can skip Arathi for sure, and because it’s a crapshoot, is OK to also skip Darkshore.

make it heroic or mythic they’re still going to suck and be known as a waste of time and resources.

My sadistic side of me hopes that Heroic Warfronts are tough (forcing people to plan better) and cause people to wipe a lot, resulting in “Nerf Heroic Warfronts” posts in forums :grin:

If the general rewards and a better quest reward from the guy at the table aren’t there, I won’t be there either.

Maybe once just to see it, probably not even that if it is just same thing harder kills.

Just something else I won’t do because it feels completely pointless and is super boring. The idea of adding an RTS was good but the implementation was half assed at best. There is no push and pull, no taking and losing territory. Wood should and gold should come from gaining and holding onto resource nodes throughout the map and not from clicking on each piece of wood on the ground and from clicking on a chest for gold.

Warfronts shouldn’t be one tiny territory with a set railroad that is the same every single time but multiple locations on a map the way an actual RTS plays out.

Warfronts should be about the strategic use of NPC units and resources rather than the players still doing everything themselves.

  1. Requires a premade.
  2. Requires more players than a Mythic+
  3. Presumably only available once every 3 weeks.
  4. Enforced waiting through resource spawns, travel time (player and siege engines), and then breaking the final barriers.

Why would you do this over Mythic+? Particularly lower keys that reward you potentially more and faster?

I didn’t read all the post either but I am glad he made the effort for such an indepth response and hope someone does it all, just at the moment I’m a little distracted to go into in-depth reading.

Well, nothing changes.
I’ll still just go and kill everything red and let others collect wood.

make them PvP!