I am very disappointed in MM Hunter





Theres no need for it to be a class, if anything the Hero Talent Ideas were brilliant for these niches.


And they are buffing MM pet damage…

MM went from losing a pet to most likely requiring a pet because it will be more consistent in most situations. i.e. mechanics, movement, etc

RIP lone sniper themed spec. Hello BM#2

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Man. The hostility in this thread is SEETHING.

OP even used one of those really forbidden words. We should inject cats and unicorns into this thread immediately.

:unicorn: :heart:

Take your time, OP.

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Doesn’t surprise me that Blizzard would buff the MM Hunter’s pets. They will be just another BM Hunter class with no sense of identity.

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Who knew people playing a pet class would want to keep their pets.


Mmmmm…. No. MM hunters still retain their identity pretty well. BM hunters still have theirs.

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Normally i don’t really used that word until now. Certain players act that way, than they should be called that word.

Is their whole identity 1 long cast spell that they use while their pet does damage?

Cause thats what we are down to.

Or better. Maybe keep the dirty fingers off the keyboard until you actually know what you’re saying without sounding like an uncouth savage.

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It’s not a wasted talent point because it’s a choice node with a talent that hunters were already taking in the top section of the talent tree.

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The definition of you can’t please everyone lol

Except no, it’s actually not.

You are 100% right!

So then its the bunch of instant cast spells we hit while our buffed pets are doing DPS? That sounds a lot like another hunter spec…but I cant seem to recall the name

You mean mage? Oh yeah, I didn’t know Hunters form of attack were spells either.

Here I thought they were arrows or bullets. MAYBE arcane shot IS a spell! Hmmmmmmmm……

So your last thread didn’t go over well and you decided to try again?

It’s a talent point that was turned into a choice node that takes nothing away from the redesign.

  1. Don’t insult people.
  2. You were told in your last bad thread that the redesign is still the focal point.
  3. If you can’t be bothered to know what you’re talking about, then I would recommend not trolling and insulting.

Dang. You must not have much of a rebuttal when your entire response is hung up on me calling abilities “spells.”

Lets just celebrate the coming of the Beast Master Jr. spec together. No need to fight

OP has made valid points and y’all flagging him for it just shows how pathetic the community at large is.

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