Shigeru Miyamoto once said “A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad.” This rings true for me with this system. I don’t care about covenants, soulbinds, Torghast, the legendary gear or any of it. It was bad and only a year later have they made it somewhat bearable but it’s still bad. I can’t stand to play through one floor of Torghast since I have such a negative opinion cultivated from 9.0. Soulbinds have always seemed like a rehashed version of azerite traits. I’m rambling a bit but it’s hard to walk away since I’ve put so much time into this game but I have to face the fact that I can’t have fun with these systems in place since they were so bad for so long and they’re just now how they should have been released and how they should be now will never happen. I’m not even excited for 9.2 since I know at the heart of everything these damn covenants will affect my gameplay. Right now the game is best from level 1-50 and would be even better if Chromie Time extended all the way to level 60 so I didn’t have to deal with these damn systems until the endgame. I shall raise my 8th drink of the night to remembering how much fun I used to have with all my friends that no longer play.
I miss loving this game.
imagine them the higher ups actually ‘git gud’ at their jobs and make a real game instead of being lying sacks drinking b.milk that they stole.
Systems are bad since legion. It’s just too much of a complication. I’m ok with racials and a few covenant abilities. Legion artifacts were cool, but leveling them was a nightmare. Bfa systems were insane. SL has far too many currencies and required stuff that makes zero sense.
yeah systems suck.
it’s like there’s not very much to do if you only have one character but to much to do for alts to feel caught up.
Im just wondering what happened to the Alt Friendly expansion ION was talking about…
This is so cringe. Don’t forget that you support them each moth with that sub!
They just need to go back to one of the perfectly functioning wheels that carried the wagon in the past. Stop reinventing it every expansion. Find something that works cough wotlk cough and stick to it.
starting paragraph with glorious nipponese words folded 9001 times = disregarded post lol
if you love xiv so much just go play it stop wasting sub money to post about it here, unless you are being paid to do so in which case grind on my n-wah
I just liked the way PvP and PvE gearing worked in Cata and MoP. Everything since just gets more and more complicated. I’m tired of spending time on icy-veins and wowhead to figure out what the heck is going on.
Earlier I was looking at all the currencies on my Paladin after finishing ~40 minutes of Torghast… and not really liking it. I have no idea what you even buy with most of them.
I’m thinking that after tomorrow it may be time for an extended break after my sub runs out in January.
You just summed up the feelings I was trying to express. I raise my 15th drink to you
Legion borrowed power systems were the disease that started it all. MoP and the end of WoD were the last expansions I felt good about maintaining alts. Legion completely killed it for me.
well, can you tell us why not? what’s stopping you? is this some mental barrier you have to get through?
the biggest sub loss ever feels like you op. wonder if they keep the same thing going in 10.0. if they do have fun in a very lowly populated wow.
I am with you. I have put soo much into this game since 2004. It’s about time I hang it up. My sister moved on to Archeage, guess I’ll do the same.
Systems were added because people asked for more things to do besides raid and pvp.
So, OP, you want to go back to WoD, for example?
Maintaining alts with all of the extra garbage, I hear you. It’s a pita. But Legion class halls and class mounts are still sick, imo.
Most of my playing time recently (since I maxed out my Hunters as much as I want to in SL) is taking new classes to 60 just so I can go back and solo class hall stuff that I missed out on as a returning player.
I can definitely see how that would not appeal to anyone that played it live, tho. Just saying Legion had some good points, imho, even if grinding systems sucks azz.
Mythic+ fixed that quite handily without the need for endless systems.
Paragon levels may work in Diablo, but not in WoW.
Ashes of creation new update is looking amazing. Get pumped!
Why would you suggest WoD over mop and wrath?