I am the worst WoW player in the world

I just want to formally announce to the entire WoW community that I, Wafectus, am one of the worst WoW players in the world, if not the worst.

There is a screenshot of me out there with me wearing a parry gem as proof.

Just wanted the entire WoW community to know that.


you forget that i, pinar the unskilled exist.


Look, no body can facepalm a DK better than I.

Paladins are just too easy. Cast bubble, consecrate, wings, and win.

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:


I found the address. Here’s the proof.

No1 is worse than I.



It’s not so bad. I used to raid resto shaman but exclusively use crusader enchant.


How interesting that information like that can be put up on the net for everyone to see.

It’s like if the company doesn’t care to respect people’s privacy. :thinking:

Oh look at that I have 5K GS!! :grinning:

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It’s heartwarming to see everyone having a fun, normal one in classic :blue_heart:


Using the wrong gem is nothing. Sometimes I just drop whatever I have on hand and call it a day. Enchants too.

It’s a game. Having the wrong jewelry might not be fashionable to some players but caring about it enough to try to embarrass someone on the internet says more about their own maturity level than it does about your game play skills.


Nah, any Warlock that goes through a raid or dungeon with a VW has you beat.
As does any Demo Warlock using VW for pretty much anything!

Eh ain’t the worst you’re good lol

I used to have a screenshot of someone telling someone else in a dungeon group, “oh dear god buy gems”. So are you saying you’re worse than someone who never actually socketed gems in their gear?

The inconvenient truth is that it’s easier to prove who is the best than who is the worst. Much like the dating market today, if you’re not an 8, 9, or 10, you don’t exist. That means that being an 8 as a guy, you’re considered the “worst” in that survey, despite that you’re still hotter than 7 and below. So likewise, the worst WoW players barely register in ratings, such as 4/8H and 1800 in the POV of the best.

I dunno… you’re looking at an Augvoker that keeps forgetting to use Prescience… >.>


During BFA I didn’t know I could see herbs on the mini-map so I flew real close to the ground trying to spot them.


Well I can tell you one thing.

I’m one of the wow players in the entire world. I mean not so much lately but definitely one of if not the wow player.

Okay but have you completely forgotten to put your armor back on in a raid after role-playing?

In my defense I can’t actually see most of my gear in this form you know… only in visage. I must have been a blackhole in the DPS spectrum with my whopping 344 item lvl in a Heroic Aberrus.

Nearly gave me a heart attack when I looked at my ilvl tracker mid-raid.

This may be a stupid question but how is it he’s level 80?


What’s wrong with void walkers?


Dude on my lock I just press buttons and demons, fire or green stuff just kill my targets. What’s more my rotation is based on what spell effect I want to see.

But I have fun for the short sessions I play for.


I believe in you :heart: