I am the worst WoW player in the world

In BC I mained a mage. We had a break before Gruul and I had gone fishing. Then we started Gruul again.

Downed Gruul. Guildie sent me a screenshot that I was still wearing my fishing rod rather than staff. Was still 2nd on meters. Woo fire mage. Only a destro lock was higher than me all T4 raiding :wink:

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I often refer to myself as aggressively mediocre. :joy:


I thought that title went to Ragemode the forever benched lvl 40 BM hunter who can’t figure out why he’s not invited to end game content, and “quits” but never actually does because he’s so bad at the game he can’t find the unsubscribe button.


I’m one of those where I don’t have the heirloom ring and got a ring drop for missing ring slot on my NB Lock when he was in his 30s a couple days ago running around with a ring with dodge on it.

Oh yeah I’ve never ever earned CE or keystone super hero or whatever. I must be the worst ever! I also have never ever seen my parsing number thing so high that others get jealous of it.

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When people tell me to sim my character, I’m wondering why they want me to go play the SIMS…

Also, the idea of having to “sim” things in a game I play to have fun seems super antithetical to the idea of gaming. I am doing this for fun, not to win at some weird competition that is World of Warcraft. It’s not like at the end of my WoW career I’m going to look back at a trophy that says, “Bestest Player of WoW of All Time.” What I will do is look back at all the fun memories I had of playing the game with other people–laughing about dumb things, laughing at the things I died to (more than once, I might add), thinking fondly about people I met (and lost) along the way, and enjoying changing how my characters look, or thinking how their lives changed based on the adventures we had based on the game’s stories and those that I and others created along the way.

It shouldn’t matter if you’re bad or good at the game. It shouldn’t matter if you’re “doing it right” or not. What matters is having fun. And sometimes I wonder if I’m doing that any more these days. Half the time I don’t even understand what people are talking about when they mention a skill name or a combination or a rotation. I spend more time looking at websites that show the optimal way to play that I spend less time actually playing the game. And the saddest thing, to me, is that if you -do- play suboptimally, you’re dying to trivial things in the game a lot. Like, …maybe there shouldn’t be choices that make it impossible to actually have fun in the game? At least in classic if you made poor choices, it just took you longer to do things most of the time, but it felt like a challenge and not like a slaughterfest–where you are the main attraction.

Anyway…I’m not going to sim things. That sounds like work. And if that’s what it takes to be “good” at WoW, then screw it. I’ll just sit in my own little corner and have fun.


I can put some wrong enchants too and make the same post

my mother always told me i am the most handsomist guy on the planet, as she went upstairs, closed the basement door behind her and slid the latch across.

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Just so you’re not alone…often when I’m PvPing, or out in the wild, I’ll mash my instant regrowth hotkey, not see it went off then wonder why I’m just spamming sunfire and moonfire and not in cat :joy:

There’s also the time it took me half the expansion to realize there is an AH in Valdraken and I don’t have to go back to Org/bank to check it

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/moo :cow:

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Solid copy on that danger.


They’re tanks, not dps.

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At least you got gems in. I went playing 3 years without enchantments or gems until someone whispered me. I didn’t know, I was noob.