I am surprised that Dark Ranger is getting reworked first

sentinel for bm and mm, pl for bm and sv and dark ranger for mm and sv would have made the most sense to me


Why not? I mean, the only thing tying BM to dark ranger at all is… what? Dark Hound? Survival historically had Black Arrow, but it was a different spec back then. The rework Dark Ranger is even using a bomb that uses the same cone as Wildfire bomb.

I don’t feel like DR at present is that much more tightly to connected to BM than SV. It’s mostly this: BM has unleveraged opportunities to further fit DR but nothing necessarily incoherent with it, while SV would need to bundle significant changes to make fit.

Granted, I could say the same for Sentinel, but Sentinel is an athematic waste of a spec by any measure save dull output. It in no way feels reminiscent of what made the most Hunter-like among Sentinel units unique in their tactics or capacities.

  • It feels like it was just “erm, le ppl liked Wild Spirits. How can we as passively as possible make them feel like they have back Wild Spirits?”

I do agree with that or it should have been a rogue tree

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