I am so sick of farming mounts

I don’t get excited at all when I mount I farmed only to break out the monotonous routine drops…

perhaps I’m doing it wrong and should farm on all my alts to get burnout?

Do you accept RNGesus as your lord and savior?

It’s ok to have Rare things… TO AN EXTENT. If it were up to me:

1> No mount would have less than a 1% drop rate. Doing so goes against the CORE PRINCIPLES that WoW was founded upon-- horrible dynamics that were STANDARD in the MMO genre, WoW broke those down and rose to meteoric fame. Now … we’re just going back to those horrible standards??? Learn from history.

2> Every time you get a kill, your chance of a drop should go up 1%.

This still keeps things rare and, keeping all things in mind ESPECIALLY the #1 point I just made, it solidly makes the statement “once you’ve done this 100 times… you’ve earned it. That’s enough.”

3> NOTHING should ever trum… nothing should ever supersede SETTING GOALS. There is NOTHING FUN about random luck. But setting a goal, working toward it, and ACHIEVING that goal??? That is the stuff people talk about for a long, Long, LONG time!

And with each xpac, we have sadly moved farther and farther away from that dynamic. Fewer goals, more random bullthit. This isn’t even so much about Rare stuff anymore, it’s that the game has removed all of the FUN STUFF we once had, and put it all behind the arm of a slot machine.

And that was stamped as a major game system in Legion. It was always a to-a-lesser-degree sort of thing in WoW, but Legion made it PREDOMINANT. I will never forgive Legion for that, and I will never take anyone seriously that thinks Legion was a good expansion. Legion marked the major shift in legit just “having fun” to legit “being a slave to random chance.”


Random nonsense ISN’T FUN.


random has been part of this game since day one. lol

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Thanks for proving you didn’t read my post. gg

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You know that soul crushing, utterly depressing feeling when you try it once and realize that you didn’t get it. That it it might take another 10… or 100… or 1000 runs. And you may still never get it. How it feels like a completely masochistic and unimaginably dull waste of life?

That’s your signal to stop.


I started multiboxing to drop ashes for the last year, and been farming on the regular for more than that. Do I deserve any pity as well? I never dropped it, of course.

This. If you can’t handle it then just ride around on your basic 90g mount. The game is still the exact same.

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Hey, how rare is the mount that drops from kael’thas in the dungeon, the strider one?

I got ashes last week. Hadn’t tried in months and just figured what the heck. I was so excited my wife thought I was looking at _______ on my computer.


I agree. Nothing that only drops from one source should have less than a 1% drop rate.

I disagree. This changes the outcome from a possibility to a guaranteed, negating the ‘rare’ appellation.

What is ‘trum’?

I disagree. So do the millions of people who enjoy gambling.

That can still be achieved within the luck system.

I decided I wanted Pattern: Dark Leather Tunic. I went to Wowhead, figured out my best chance at getting it and settled down to run Shadowfang Keep until I got it or got bored, which ever one came first.

On my eight-eighth run, I got it. It was glorious!

You would have to be more specific for me to comment on this.

You might want to cut back on the caffeine. Or booze. Or both. ( :grin:)

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This I’m fine with, but having a mount that simply won’t drop for X hundreds of tries, it’s not exactly a good thing considering there is not much else to do with current content.

I love how you come to the forums and just talk down to everyone and not care about anything outside your snarky comments.

Nice, troll me on 2 of my posts and say something like that is only going to get you a holiday.

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I already said I like them the way they are, unfortunately it appears you think no one is allowed to like them the way they are.

I do find it ridiculous though you saying people are going to ‘quit’ over not being able to get a 1% drop mount.

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I’ve seem people quit over not getting the xmog they want. And not current xmog either, those are much easier to get than mounts.

This game at the end of the day is still an RPG, people like to play to get away from reality and they like to role play their characters. Like we even have RP servers. People like to get a good xmog, battle pets, hunter pets, glyphs, the right skin colour and hairstyle, the right mount.

I even seen someone earlier dressed as Saitama from One Punch. Role playing is a big thing, and yes, it certainly does turn people away from the game if they farm and get nothing.

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I do think accounts should have a protection on mount drops , something ridiculously high but a hard cap that after X attempt it drops 100% if it hasnt yet.

I never get sick of farming for mounts , mainly because i go about it with moderation , i only farm mounts i feel like farming , which vary from day to day and on which character i am . Sometimes all of them will farm the same mount while only a few will farm more than that one .

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There has been rare items in this game from day one, it is highly unlikely they will reverse this and make sure everyone is able to get every item in this game. That would make MORE people quit.

So if this matters so much to you I am betting you are just going to have to quit.

That is exactly what I do. I farm an item for weeks and when it becomes unfun I just set it aside for awhile and come back to it later when it is fun again. I never get tired of farming mounts either.


OP, sorry that posters are attacking you for wanting mounts. They’re right; you don’t have to farm them, but when you want a reward, you choose to. And it can be demoralizing. I farmed for 6 mounts today and didn’t get any of them—and I’ll do it again tomorrow.

Good luck. You can do this.

Last mount I farmed was the white hawkstrider from magisters. I think I got it in a few months? It was the last thing like that I did though, it isn’t hard and not that time consuming either to clear old content, it’s just, dry.

I’m more a transmog collector than a mount farmer, and that can be just as disheartening. Especially when what you want is on a weekly lockout and you need it all.

My problem with rare drops is when they remove them. That is BAD design. And VERY insulting and unfair. I have 2,000+ recorded kills on ZG for the Zulian Tiger and I NEVER saw it drop once. 4 years religiously farming.

Now it’s gone, even though I WAS there and I WAS farming it. Every other lucky bastard can walk around and flaunt it like it was a huge effort to get it.