I am sick of the "swirly" mechanics every single fight has: an essay

A “swirly mechanic” you’ve described is literally anything where there is something you’re not supposed to stand in. The swirly is just visual warning that it’s coming and you should move.

So you want fights where you don’t need to move for the whole fight, or aoe effects that don’t warn you to move beforehand.

Also I think every mob should have a mechanic. If you want to play your dps meter, there’s a dummy for that in valdrakken.

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The main issue with all the effects is on their own each one is fine, but when you add all the mobs with five to twenty people also throwing something on the ground it’s one nonsensical mess.

There’s other issues like no design guidelines or design standards. There’s no learning the game, just every individual effect. Red circle, run away or run into? Blue circle, run away or run in? Depends, there are no rules to how the game displays it’s game play so there’s no learning other than brute force experience with them all. And that’s a big part of the end game gate keeping. You don’t learn the game, you have to learn every individual encounter.

IMHO the solution is opening up every effects opacity and priority to the modding API and let moddders sort it out. There’s only a couple of friendly effects I need to see and I’m not sure I trust blizzard to sort it out.

And there should be a special place in hell for any designer that puts things like tornadoes in. Above ground and all over the place, if your in melee you end up having to look through all of them.


This is what we call skill. And I don’t think there’s enough to prevent dpsing as a melee in Nokhud.

You don’t even have +10 keys done… so drastic room for improvement.

Just do what others do : stand inside, let healer deal with it.

Devs: we hear you, so here is a cone indicator instead for the trees in brackenhide. Just kidding breath is actually 90 degrees over here. Lol get rkt. While we’re at it we’re gonna make sure the swirlies for these mobs is just a tad larger than the visual. I r dev :melting_face:

They’re too busy playing VDH in high keys to read your feedback right now /s.

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These are white. I guess you haven’t done the instance in years. Avoiding the swirlies in EoA will not keep you from getting stunned, because the swirlies do not match up with stun targets.

Enemy death and decay looks exactly like friendly death and decay.

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It’s one thing I’d like for Blizz to absolutely copy from FFXIV. They do telegraphs far better.


I think unclear boundaries are fine for some abilities, not for others. A lot of it would be latency or hitbox mismatch which is an error.

No it’s never ok. Seeing that stuff can be a pain. Did mythic Azure Vaults and couldn’t see some of the damage on the ground. That stuff is how people end up having to use addons for things.


What can’t you see? There are frontals without indicators (cause it’s a frontal.) And the other stuff has an indicator.

Whether indicators work is another matter entirely.

Whatever floor crap the flowers were giving off.

the flowers have indicators, the real question is, do they work?

Apparently not. Couldn’t see them.

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you probably died to their casts, which is another mechanic.

For people asking for better visuals, are they even dying to stuff where a visual is involved? Cause I think it’s misunderstanding abilities in this case.

Yeah I know. I’d like the stuff to just be more visible. Especially for many of us that don’t have great eyesight.

It wasn’t visible in this case.

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The flowers dont do swirlies, it’s the trees that do the pools. Flowers do the stacking dot cast. They even recently ADDED an indicator for the tank frontals from the small crystals.

I stand corrected, learning new things every day, and I did this key on a 22 at highest I think.

I just feel like as a ranged you’re more aware of incoming mechanics. When I was disc priest last expansion, I had more situational awareness.

It’s just a constant hassle to be up close personal with a raid boss and then zoom out move for big attacks.

It’s like playing a simulation with fire and forget attacks and already planning movement evasion

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:

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How often do you play melee outside of Ret Paladin? I’m curious because I don’t want to assume you are taking your extra melee range you get in Retribution for granted. I get the impression you don’t realize how much work that bonus melee range does for Retribution.


I am not sure they can adjust it unless they walk back how much AOE they have given everyone including tanks. When your most efficient way to deal with a group of enemies is to stack and smack, that is what players are going to do. Without those mechanics, the trash pulls would be laughable spamfests with no mechanics.

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No, but I do think that this shouldn’t feel like the only mechanic Blizzard is capable of implimenting on a wide-scale, but doing anything else takes up dev time and money Blizzard doesn’t want to spend on something like inventing more compelling mob mechanics.