I am sick of the "swirly" mechanics every single fight has: an essay

Only thing i dont like is if I drop an aoe and an enemy’s aoe covers it or looks similar so the tank runs out. :frowning:


So do you prefer the swirlies on those two sea giants in Eye of Azshara where avoiding the swirlies you see won’t keep you from getting stunned, because there seems to be no relationship between swirlies and stun zones?

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Every damn time a Dracthyr does their breath thing I think I’m about to die as melee.


How about in PvP, where you have no way of knowing if that damage zone is safe because it was put down by your team or is going to hurt you because it was the other team that dropped it?


I’m so far removed from this dungeon I don’t even know what you are talking about anymore lol

Just a bit of evoker augmentation. I primarily play melee

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:

I kind of miss dungeon trash being scary and hard, dungeons being scary and hard, and I’d have to take my sweet time. Us getting through it faster meant people knew what they were doing, executing fairly well, and us burning down threat after threat like pros.

But I get that some also aren’t for that increased challenge due to lack of confidence in their abilities to rise to the challenge. Perhaps they have reasons as to why that might be hard for them to accomplish. I used to be a lot more challenge averse and even couldn’t beat the first tutorial boss in Dark Souls 3… I had zero confidence as it angered me and terrified me not to mention the anxiety. In time I learned to face that adversity a bit better and maintain my calm a bit better.

I’d say the issue isn’t making us wait to dps it’s more of how can the game naturally help build that confidence over time for all players.

Its not new, but I prefer the mechanic of walls, adds, etc. closing in and the group needs to focus fire one to open up a path. Those events make it so theres no down time or running back and forth in and out of swirlies, while also controlling the battle field a bit. Agency over damage mechanics is always good.


i play both and both have their good and bad moments. i will say i really dislike the “lol ranged don’t have mechanics” meme :slight_smile:


Dracthyr uses Deep Breath!
Enemy spawned THE SWIRLIES.
:musical_note: In the Arms of an Angel :musical_note:

I mean, there’s all sorts of different graphics that are used in dungeons. Beams, waves, orbs, swirls, circles, cones, arrows, pools…
The thing about swirls is that they are specifically used on the ground as something that is going to hit the ground, usually at a random position or somewhere under or near the player as the threat that something is going to hit but not yet.
Circles are used as something that is going to hit the player, likely no matter what (some LoS exceptions excluded) at the end of a cast or a debuff falling off, usually hitting any allies that also end up inside of it.
Cones would be like charges and other frontals, usually being specifically positional based that either lock on to the target or are stationary turn and fire where generally you just don’t want to be in front of the mob (there’s a facing indicator on the mob’s hitbox circle for things so ugly you can’t tell the front from the back) and for the lock-on styles, you just don’t want to turn it into anyone else.
Beams are beams, orbs and waves do orb and wave things as more active things that you can see as a danger zone moving towards you to dodge.
Arrows are normally are to say that something bad was going to happen to you like a lock-on charge, but also have been used with swirls (like Dathea tornadoes) to show that a danger is going to be moving from one point to another.
As for pools? Well, sometimes they just happen and it hurts, and sometimes they are results of swirlies and are just normal “fire hot, don’t stand here” things to worry about.

That game gives me the ick

someone needed to say it. lol
Oh…wait…Ive been whining about it in here for a long while now
Stun/slow/root/circle of death
I mean Geezus Crisco…how much of that crap is enough?

"you think youre going somewhere? No, youre GOING to stand right there locked in place and now imma put a death circle at your feet for the 70th time this run, lol.

its NOT challenging. Its NOT fun. Its NOT entertaining.
Its Nintendo 64 on steriods.
And I hate N64 and steriods lol.

I hate it when my skills are the same colour as the enemy’s so the tank thinks it’s something to get out of…


Another issue.

Waiting room, I disagree.

Learn to circle around the mob while dpsing

Even worse that more than a few you can clearly be a few steps away from the edge of and still get hit.

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Green (or blue) == friendly
Red (or orange) == enemy
Unless I’m missing something, or you’re colorblind and using one of the color blind options.

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I’ve done both through DF as well and I personally feel like they’ve finally brought range roughly in line with melee as far as dealing with mechanics goes. Probably feels particularly punishing to some but I think it’s about fair these days.

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Try seeing any of this crap while using shifting power as a Mage. Cast it at the wrong time and totally covers anything that could one shot you. Multiple seconds of channeled spell is a long time in M+. It’s awful.

You’re a dh you dont stop moving anyways. Whats the issue. Just wah wah?