I am once again asking for Dracthyr to Dragonride

There’s no reason Dracthyr shouldn’t be able to fly. WHy are we still riding mounts? The only reason I use visage form is because of how ridiculous dracthyr look on dragon mounts. They should be able to fly (where it’s available) and they should get the option for a dragon riding skin while on the isles.

Is it game breaking either way? No. But it would be nice.


I agree they should be able to fly, but they aren’t dragons, so a dragon skin seems a little off to me. They should just fly as themselves, but have it be the same as dragonriding mechanically.

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Oh sorry I didn’t clarify that well.

I mean they should function as their own Dragonriding mount. Rather than having to use the mounts given, we should be able to fly as Dracthyr as an option.


Yes! I have no idea why they can’t just dragonride on their own. it seems silly to give them wings when they have to fly on a dragon anyways. o_O


Oh, yes. Definitely.


As long as the game has been out yeah it wouldn’t matter now… Just base it on the same system… same cast time. same vigor.

Decouple it when the expansion is old

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I’ve only played an hour on one, and it was a while ago but don’t they already have some vigor-limited version of dragon flying?

I agree. We should have Dragonriding built-in. I mean, soar is almost the same thing. It’s like they started with Dracthyr and thought, “hey, this would make a great new flying system!” and stopped working on it to do that instead. We have a stance bar for it. Just add vigor displays and give us the normal DR abilities. We can always “learn new terrain” in future expansions before we can fly there. Same thing.


soar should = dragonriding in the same way that druid flight form = flying

no reason it should be so restricted because it makes the class feel worse. :100:


I thought we already could but when mine entered the dragon isles nope…had to ride one of the mounts. I mean they introduced the system the mounts use somewhat with their soar ability so why can’t they just upgrade that for them within the dragon isles so they can fly without needing to use a mount? I’m surprised this wasn’t already a thing, I thought if I got all the glyphs my dracthyr’s flight would also benefit and I could skip the mounts and fly myself around but I guess they can’t fly themselves because too many people are toggling that dumb ability that turns them into their visage when out of combat.


They have probably already written off Dracthyr

This whole issue could easily be solved if the dracthyr flying abilites were allowed to recharge during “Thrill of the skies.” Currently there is no reason why a dracthyr using soar would gain this buff while flying. I cant say for certain but i imagine it would be an easier implementation over adding vigor and the remaining dragon riding abilities. It would also preserve the unique capabilities of the dragon riding mounts.


It’s definitely an option! I prefer to just be able ot dragonride as a Dracthyr. Especially since I’m hoping dragonriding will be applied to other dragonlike mounts and not just the same four we already have.

I still suspect the team didn’t realize Dracthyr was such an expansive concept.

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The visage form looks so bad. Why do I need to look like I beaten with a shovel when 0 of the dragon aspects have the scales and shat all over their face.

Soar should have been the Dracthyr’s Dragonriding. They should have started with three vigor, been able to collect glyphs and then use the same talent tree. It is already an out of combat ability. They can still collect the mounts and customizations if they wanted to.


Great question as most of the other dragons have the death knight treatment with unique eyes.

A very simple fix would be to give them a flight button in a way that druids have but apparently that’s too complex for Blizz. Here’s to hoping though :confused:

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If dracthyr get flying, DHs need to as well.
Heck, even give the druids their birb forms.

And every single player would have been completely fine with just making them pick any of the already available races for the visage form instead of making new models and systems.