I am making a warlock: Human female or void elf female?

Playing destruction as primary spec and affliction as secondary spec.

Between human and void elf female:

  1. Which race does it benefit more from racial?
  2. Which race do you think it fits more as a warlock
  3. In your opinion, which has better cast animation for the class?
  1. Void Elf
  2. Void Elf
  3. Void Elf

Void elves are just damn sexy and they look awesome as warlocks.


Just can’t get better looking than this. :slight_smile:

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I mean both are valid the rep on humans is a nice bonus, but I also find the the void elf racial: Preturnatural Calm-Your spell casts are not delayed by taking damage, to be quite useful on warlocks. Animation wise void elves casting exactly the same as blood elf.

Void Elf,

You got the looks, the animations, the tentacles, a neat little teleport, no spell delay, the tentacles…

Total package


Void elf as long as you play affliction.

Void elf using fire spells looks weird

Male Void Elves triggered kek

:o That’s a weird flag.

Is this a thing? All void elves look the same to me. They look like heresy.

gnome male

It could be the P word, people are super sensitive these days.

But it got flagged less than 2 minutes after I posted it, and this thread hadn’t gotten enough new views in that time frame to flag my post (it takes like 8-10 reports to auto flag).

So, the funniest part about it is I think the upset male void elf swapped alts to report abuse me, which will result in their own suspension.


Since you spend most of the time standing still and casting, the void elf racial is a helpful thing.

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To be fair, a Gnome Warlock did summon an Eredar Lord. Has any other race been able to make that claim?

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I’m annoyed by it because you stick all players of a race/gender into a very uncalled for box.

So you’re one of the super sensitive? :stuck_out_tongue:

Just to clarify the obvious though, to say somebody looks like something isn’t to say I said they are that.

Some jokes just shouldn’t be made. Not saying I flagged, it’s just petty.

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It was more a legitimate opinion than a joke. :man_shrugging: They look creepy

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I personally prefer the Human “Human Spirit” racial where you gain 2% secondary stats from all sources, but depends on what you’re planning to do. If you’re doing PVP, or going to do the same thing I do and pull large groups in the open out-door world, I would say Void Elf, but for other reasons, I recommend Human.

I’m sure it def is the reason. Those kind of accusations really aren’t very cool. That said, no I didn’t flag your post.


It was flagged for trolling not for inappropriate language, though.
Pretty sure it’s legitimately just an upset male void boy. :blush:

Anyways, don’t derailing this thread.
Go void elf female.