I am living in delves

Here in my Delve
I feel safest of all
I can loot all the mobs
It’s the only way to gear
In delves

Here in my Delve
I can only solo
I can listen to Brann
The candle burns for days
In delves

:crab: :izakaya_lantern: :crab: :izakaya_lantern:

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I like Delves too. It’s a great addition to the game :slight_smile:

delves are sick af

Holy Priest checking in and been soloing them for the most part and I LOVE delves.

They were the reason I came back to TWW and I have to say I’m very impressed with the mode, there are a few hiccups here and there with the balancing but my experience with them has been overwhelmingly positive.

Took them years but I’m happy we’re seeing some endgame progression that can be played up to 5 ppl instead of it being designed for a group 5 ppl or more.


I love the concept, i love running them and i love that i can do them alone or with my buddy. I just want them to be balanced better.

I know we are going through some growing pains with them, i am patient and can see what they do to balance them over time. I just want them to figure it out and not remove them from the game.

What i personally wanted was something with a big more of a progession curve. Like week 1, tier 6 would be nearly impossible until we got better gear. Week 4 tier 7 would start to feel doable, week 8 we would be looking at tier 10 like “hooow?” Instead people clearing it all day 1 seemed a bit off to me personally. But that is in a prefect world.

After the pair of balances i can clear tier 7 on my warrior, it just takes a while. And 6 on my evoker, though that was a close call so that’s not too bad!

I look forward to doing more on more alts in the coming weeks.

If i had any requests, it’s that i want the gear on the non key chests (the 554 gear or 544 whatever it is) to be warbound. I don’t need it on my higher characters and it would be great to get the warband some gear for when they reach 80 to give them a head start!


As a BM hunter you’re blessed in delves, tried my ret pally today and it’s a massive step up in difficulty…

I too love delves been farming them on both my hunter which is new to me just made em when tww launched to be a new main and my DH.

Tier8’s are tough still but I can sail through 7’s like a hot knife through butter.

Just an fyi 7 and 8’s give rewards are the same upgrade track only difference is 7 is 1/8 and 8’s are 3/8 on the path.

You make it sound like Delves are another type of elf race or something.

Dwarven Elves? Drow Elves? wait…are the drow coming to warcraft? This really is Baldurs Gate 3 after all. Crap, where is the beholder.

I’m currently working through T6 delves on my Arms Warrior. Having a blast.

I can say with confidence that we rip delves apart.

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Loving them on my WW monk and Warlock. Its also getting me to do world quests, something I never really did much before.

It was a burn to find out the delves were open to group play. I thought that it was billed as a solo experience. My mistake, obviously.

Sounds awesome. Gotta build my keys up once i have full challenge gear on this character. (Which is only a few pieces?

It’s useless to worry about RNG.

Now master loot back in the day was worth getting angry about. Party leader or guild leader gives loot to a buddy who doesn’t need it. Even worse someone used their DKP to take something they didn’t need.

Now? It’s a built in roll for loot system. Zero reason to be salty. The RNG Gods just laugh at your fury.

Who is furious? I love delves, I am happy. I don’t have to deal with rolling against 10 hunters in a raid now. Like I said, my RNG is amazingly bad. I am a meme at my D&D groups for all the 1s I roll. It is always a good laugh. In WoW though, it sucks. I get an alternative to gear up, and I am going to take it! Also master loot is amazing if you have competent raid leaders. Now it is just a bloody free for all, and I hate it.