I am just overwhelmed with sadness

I lost my little sister today:


I love you, Rest in Peace

I just needed to get this off my chest.


I’m sorry.

I liked ur comment not cause I’m happy ur sister is dead but just to show support.

I can’t speak for everyone tho.



I’m sorry :disappointed: may she Rest In Peace.

It’s hard to lose someone so close, especially a younger sibling.

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Condolences. RIP Sister.

Gone too soon. Rest in peace.

So sorry about this. Wishing peace and love to you and your family. :heart: :heart: :heart:

Praying for you, for healing and comfort.


My condolences OP. Words can’t express how you feel.

I lost my little sister on Oct. 3 1984, and i had a bully come up to me days later and tell me she was glad that my sister died. I was in grade 6. Almost 40 years later, it’s not easy.

But when i get really down, prayer, some physical activity, and remembering that she is in a better place, helps.

The mind-crushing pain of it all does get easier. You will be in my prayers. Hold on to Hope!


That’s rough. I hope the grief doesn’t last too long.

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I have two younger sisters myself. I can’t even imagine the pain. :cry:

I’m so very sorry for your loss.

Thanks all for the kind words, I knew this was coming in the next few days/weeks depending on how strong she was. I was with her the other day, nurses said she’s looked the most comforting when she was around her brothers and mother.

The worst thing is, she leaves behinds 4 kids: 3, 8, 12 and 15.


Your memorial is succinct and poignant. Days of all kinds, good and bad, lie ahead. Continue to love yourself, my friend.

I’m so, deeply sorry.

Sorry for your loss. Truly.

So very sorry for your loss. Praying for your family.

i’m so sorry to hear that. take care of yourself <3