I am just overwhelmed with sadness

I am so sorry to hear that. My younger sister was killed in a car accident in 1995 at the age of 18, so I know that hurt.

If you need to talk, or rant, or whatever… please feel free to contact me Bnet: Joanna#1419 Discord: Ahnohla#3313

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I am so sorry for your loss.

May she rest in peace.

I’d also like to add…being a mother myself I can’t imagine how her children are feeling right now. It breaks my heart thinking of it. I will pray for them.

My condolences :blue_heart:

I am so very sorry for your loss. :blue_heart:

She loves her kids even in her lucid and confused state would ask where they were and if she could see them.

Truly broke my heart.


Sorry to hear that. RIP

I’m so sorry for your loss.

For our family, seeing her like this, this didn’t happen over night. This had to had been going on estimates, 6 months to a yr. she was too weak to even leave the house and that SOB spouse of hers didn’t do anything, even after HIS own parents told him to get to a doctor, and ignored it.

we wondered why she suddenly disappeared off the face of the earth to us. The only reason he called us was because she was too weak to even care for the kids anymore and finally ended up in the hospital for organ failure.

I’m overwhelmed with sadness yet so full of rage, on how he just let this go.

It may not be the best time mention this, but I think you/your family (if possible) should try to get custody of the children. I am sure plenty of medical workers can/will attest to the fact that things were a result of neglect/abuse. I wouldn’t want to leave him with the opportunity to hurt more innocent people, even through inaction.


Already in the process with an investigation/lawyers. We don’t get a say in with her body. All he wants to do is have her cremated, no autopsy no nothing.

We think he’s hiding something and even the nurses were suspicious of him, because he’d get mad about them asking questions on how it got to this point and history, and is more concerned about his job than of her dying in the hospital. (not to mention calling them female dogs, for asking such things.)

All of us warned her about him, but i guess i’ll never understand why people stay with such abusive people.

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Sorry to hear that, Jentai. :cry:

Words don’t usually mend a broken heart well, but I hope you find peace. May she rest easy. :broken_heart:

She’s certainly in a better place now, I’m now more concerned over her kids future than anything.

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hugs, I am so sorry :frowning: she’s in a good place

Definitely. Glad you’re making them the priority. Can’t imagine what they’re going through at the moment, and absolutely need someone they can trust and rely on right now.

Hoping everything works out for you guys.

My condolences to you and your family. I hope you can find peace in knowing she’s no longer in pain/sick. I wish you good luck on the investigation and custody of her legacy. I hope you and your family get justice if any wrongdoing is found. Hugs to you! :blue_heart:

Sorry for your loss. :rose:

I’m so sorry Jentai. I cant even imagine what this must feel like. She loved you, a lot. The memories you made together will always be there, I hope they offer some comfort.

Ik it may not offer much help, but I’m sending you a really long hug. Things Are going to get better.

OMG you poor thing! I’m so sorry, and even though you and I have never met, and probably never will - my heart goes out to you. What a tragedy to lose someone, especially so young.
Just so sorry, how terrible. Big hug and kind, warm thoughts your way.

The funny thing was when i saw her on monday, you could see her old self. She would always find ways to mess with you and get us all to laugh, even in her current state. It would fade after a moment, and go back to her lucid state, but she was still herself inside, fighting.

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She sounds like an amazing woman. It must’ve been a true honor to have known her. Working in my field, I’ve seen a lot of that same strength in others. It’s a testament to the human spirit. But in some ways it’s almost reassuring to observe that resilience and tenacity within. I’m not sure what you believe, but for me it means they’ll be okay.