I have 4-5 back and forths with Blizzard CS about this issue. They have more then my dxdiag.
I’m not quite sure why you are dragging me about this issue and everyone else. A lot of people often open tickets and speak to Blizzard directly. Not post their system information on a public forum.
Maybe you should think before talking crap. Cause all you’re doing is making yourself look stupid. The trolling is not even good.
Except I am not trolling and it bugs people when they face issues and think it might be their system. Not every negative post is trolling, especially when it is a legitimate concern. The squeaky wheel gets the grease. Unfortunately a new patch came and didn’t fix any of the issues and seems to have made them considerably worse. You can’t just continually blame end users when everyone has the same issue. I tested all this with a fresh copy of Windows 11 on brand new hardware, new modem, new router and everything. I tested it on multiple connections entire cities apart.
This isnt just happening ln wow. Every game of Overwatch I play has someone DC. It’s a crapshoot if the person that DCs will be on your team or the other team which has made comp unfun. They usually reconnect but not after one team or the other has been able to take advantage
And when it happened to me blizz just blamed my internet connection (despite having no issues in non blizzard games)
At this point I’m thinking WoW’s engine doesn’t like Dragonriding. Only when I’m dragonriding do I seem to get randomly disconnected. Game can’t handle the speed we are going and nopes out. That’s my tinfoil hat theory.
Wow has this issue ever since I am playing this game.
I remember about 65-70% of the times when I landed at the Night Fae Covenant Hall’s flight point I was disconnected on arrival when it dropped my char. This is the only place where it happened so often and so consequently that I was even expecting it and was surprised when I was not dced.
But in general the game is pretty allergic to physics. It does not even have to be a player character always; once in Bastion while farming skinning, a mob died so that its corpse has fallen down and caused dc to everyone around it. But this is rather uncommon according to my experience.
Dragonflying only amplifies this issue which was pretty common even without it. It was quite brave from blizzard to implement such a feature without looking into this bug.
you’re doing something wrong sounds like a driver issue or something else running in the background because this game runs at over 120 fps max at 4k for me, the only time it dips below 100 is Soup and Valk then its 80-90 ish. My wife has a 3060 and she gets over a 100fps avg at 1440p
as far as disconnects that sounds like you have an internet issue or ISP issue, my wife and I dont disconnect ever unless the world server goes down or something, what kind of Docsis 3.1 do you have? that could be having issues, i have had to replace a couple early on due to buggy firmware.
I have this problem, but only on my hotspot. My guess is it has something to do with dropping packets. I have a friend who gets disconnected dragonflying constantly though (at home), so idk.
I have a working theory.
Wow used to have servers dotted throughout the country. The one I play on used to be based out of Ohio which is where I used to live. They moved everything to California for some stupid reason. This increases latency. The game was coded so that you would play on the nearest server and expects certain things in the XYZ mathematics to calculate within a certain amount of time. People used to get into old ironforge by lagging on purpose to drop through the map. It would let them get to GM island etc. So they enacted this bit of code that if you are NOT within the expected XYZ within a certain amount of MS from where you were, it disconnects you, the servers run a bit of math and puts you somewhere with a 5-15 minute “punishment”. Now with dragonriding being a thing, it exacerbates the issue.
i didn’t even hint at drivers being an issue, so i’m not sure why this comment was aimed at me.
and i can assure you, not every single person is having this issue.
for you, maybe.
…but just because a thing happens to you, doesn’t mean it happens to everyone.
How is pointing out the obvious… trolling?
If you did it, then… well done.
but it’s pretty obvious that the vast majority of people who are complaining, haven’t.
If blizz had the information they needed, they wouldn’t have asked for people to keep submitting info.
I haven’t read every comment so maybe this was asked/answered, but have you tried disabling every addon and seeing if it still happens? Or maybe doing a folder scan/repair?