OP I agree, I am very happy with TWW so far. Love Dagran and Faerin, love Azj-Kahet (the Nerubian zone we’ve waited for since WotLK), love the questions being raised about the treatment of Earthen by Titans, even as we see other heroes wielding the Light… It feels big and complex and like there’s still so much to learn, which is how a new xpac should feel. DF developed some good systems and QoL improvements, but TWW feels more immersive for my tastes. I’m having lots of fun.
I do happen to like it, it’s not perfect, no story is, and I have strong opinions about the overuse and mascoting of Lilian Voss and Flynn, but it’s astronomically better than the hodge-podge that was Dragonflight!
i mean if we are measuring by shadowland standards then yes, it is slightly better but shadowlands set the bar so low anything looks better.
i think the problem for me personally is that almost none of the new characters are likable at all. they write an entirely insufferable character with zero charisma or likability and expect people to get invested in those characters? i feel like the writers dont actually understand human social interactions at all.
theres also always way too much exposition. instead of showing a character being kind, helping the weak, being friendly and playful to those around them, they use exposition to tell us they are that way. its so bad.
I agree. the main ‘character’ in the campaign was not very engaging. I took my time and read every single quest I did but I never ever felt like there was any real scenario. it was just meh. I absolutely did not care at all about Faerin nor do I want to. The campaign wasn’t very immersive and only took 3 days to complete and that was at a very, very, very leisurely pace.
I’ve been having a lot of fun and honestly I expected to be bored with the underground zones, but no they are so large and the bio diversity of each underground zone is neat!
I love the story too, I came into this xpac very lukewarm about the story, As I was hoping for more explorative story, but I am happy to be wrong and I feel invested! I totally think Xally wanted the outcome that happened!
Delves are a blast too! I’m happy to have solo content that feels meaningful and not just me skipping around 1 shotting old raid bosses.
Im loving we’ve had 2 expansions in a row Ive been able to actually enjoy so far.
After SL and not overly liking BFA really felt like the game was spiraling down pretty quickly.
DF was enjoyable…and TWW is shaping up to be twice as good with delves and actually liking the follower dungeons this time (only liked Uldaman in DF)
I am not unfortunately, but it feels like a completely me issue, it would be fairer to say I just don’t really enjoy WoW anymore rather than any specific complaint about TWW.
No class seems to excite me, some I downright despise the design, it’s gotten so bad I completely lost the hype and decided to quit my guild’s raid team before I started funneling gear to myself, otherwise it will be another Dragonflight situation where I geared my character only to quit for almost a year, gear that will be useful to someone else that will stick around. Regardless, Season 1 is about to start and I just feel… Nothing.
I said in another post before TWW came out, that after I skipped through most of Shadowlands and Dragonflight, I would have to put the breaks in WoW if I found myself not enjoying TWW either and here we are, I think this game might just not be for me anymore, even though my journey(started in Legion) was not nearly as long as most people I’ve met in here.
The campaign is entirely too short. They have much work to be done to sustain this for a year.
Having stated that, I’m pleasantly surprised with the sneaky immersion. The environment is rich indeed, and with the variety of content in each zone, it has loads of potential
Did we play the same expansion story? Cause I saw lots of death and destruction so no idea where this “butterflies and rainbows” accusation is coming from. WoW has always walked a tightrope and usually doesn’t present the darkest elements of its story in the main progression paths. As far as Edge goes all that does for me anymore is make me cringe. I despise Illidan’s portrayal in Legion as TBC was the logical progression for his character without a massive retcon. Unfortunately, Blizzard decided to justify him instead. That’s a personal beef and I recognize a lotta folks seem to enjoy him but it’s not my cup of tea.
It just feels like fluff, There is more fluff going on here then Naratu ever had. I already said it’s only nitpicky stuff though and I generally enjoy the game and expansion. Just it’s too fluffy.
DF was great and TWW has been pretty damn cool so far. Love the zones, love the overall vibe and really looking forward to getting into the raid tomorrow.