but anyway
I miss it less than I thought I would, it can remain in history and in Legacy content.
Playing BGB really finished it off for me. In a good way.
Spawned in to one AB at the Alliance base on an Orc, Gave a cheer, “FOR THE HORDE!” we had a laugh. My faction is Fun.
The first step is admitting it. It’s ok, give it a try.
admitting that you’re wrong? ok. you’re wrong.
hope that helps!
You do know that warcraft was heavily inspired by warhammer right?
Deflection won’t help. You know deep down it’s really not a big deal. You’ll still be here year in and year out feeding honey to those heckin bees.
i ain’t readin all that chief
bro the war train sailed a long time ago. it aint coming back. ever again. the devs have even stated as much.
See? The first step is admitting it. I knew you could do it.
tl:dr lol.
if you want to use the forum as your personal blog you gotta change the length of your posts man. or people aren’t gonna read em
Stay shuddup and feed the dang bees, how long you going to be on that quest for.
see this is a reasonable post length. at least SOMEONE here gets it
Something need doing? Work work.
Me too!
There are definitely things that I don’t like with TWW (Alchemy is killing me). BUT the leveling experience and the world are amazing and are night-and-day for me compared to DF.
hey guys this person is having fun playing the game they just spent $60 on
I am just digging that the nerubs finally get some lore advancement.
Eh, I’m somewhat having fun. Not enough for me to throw more money at Blizz, though…
It’s typical WoW forums chronic negativity