How new people friendly are other MMOS?
FFO? ESO? I tried ESO once, and hated it but that was a while back. I don’t think I’ve ever touched FFO.
Maybe just looking for a game to keep me occupied between content releases. Kinda tired of grinding anima. :>
I’ve read (but don’t know for sure since I don’t play it) that FFXIV which is what I assume you mean when you say FFO has a behavior policy and you can get in “trouble” for being a jerk. If true I’d assume the community is pretty nice however there’s always going to be the hard heads who are jerks anyways.
Does it have to be a MMO? I play Overwatch from time to time when I’m not playing wow. Not that I’m suggesting you play Overwatch just different genres. Try some free steam games
i hear folks in ffo are nice, but… that was from a youtube vid made by a vanilla-WoW vet, so… can’t give first-hand experience.
Watch the Lazy -Peon on U tube he breaks down a lot of MMO’s…
Yeah, I meant FFXIV x) My bad!
I just enjoy the MMO genre is all.
I tried overwatch, but it’s just far too fast paced for me to even be able to comprehend what is going on most of the time. This is just me never being good at FPS to begin with. I’ve dug through Steam too, which is why I stumbled across FF. I kinda forgot about it.
As far as new people friendly, I just suppose someone who has no idea what’s going on in the game as I’ve never touched it. Is it even possible to play catch up?
Runescape is pretty good, but it’s very addicting
As in the 2001 version? I know a mobile version came out a while back, or was in beta or something.
FF14 is the one that I’m spending my time in because it does casual well, and starting over means there is a lot to do, especially with how I play. I wouldn’t recommend playing like how I do, though, hah.
The community is alright, but there’s more passive aggressive attitudes than flat out aggressive. People find ways to be mean without actually being reportably mean. Plus…I don’t know, especially in leveling dungeons there are some major…oof players there.
Over all though, it does world content pretty well so long as you don’t mind the fact it isn’t really a world, and professions are fun.
There’s old school, which is how the game was in 2007. It’s just alright. The new runescape has the new lore, abilities in combat, everything is much faster to level up which is kind of nice and nice graphics.
Runescape has a whole is pretty much, you do what you want when you want to and the diversity in the content is insane + you can play both versions on mobile
My ex boyfriend introduced me to FFO.
I was playing around and wanted to ask for direction to the auction house thingy
Found a random dude and essentially asked help through /say
And my boyfriend told me to not do it because I could get banned
And I’m like… What?!
Then I quit the game forever
That sounds… kinda absurd? lol
My ringtone
The sound my butt makes
Looking at the title, I thought this thread was about living in Northern Maine.
Try out GW2, ESO (again), FF. All great options, among others. GW2 has tons of great story, and people willing to help if you’re willing to communicate. ESO has definitely become a beast over the years, one of my favorite features being you can play through any expansion you want pretty much as endgame. Content from past expansions doesn’t get dismissed, and actually is still relevant. Housing, great story, among other things. FF is the closest to WoW option, with a very solid community of kind people if you’re willing to ask for the help and let them know you need it.
Join Alliance Moon Guard.
It’s entertaining AF.
FFXIV has a lot of similarities to WoW (at least, like, Cata-era WoW) and therefore should be easy to get into for a WoW player. At least the content itself - the questing being largely dialogue-driven between instanced bits can be really jarring and potentially offputting if you’re not into the story they’re telling.
The community is definitely nicer in general. For a few reasons. In no particular order…
- Smaller (but still healthy) population. More people = more loudmouths. You notice the loudmouths, you don’t notice the people just playing. So smaller can come across as nicer.
- More aggressive account action for chat-related things beyond spouting off the Hard R, which is just about the only thing that can get you muted these days in WoW.
- Commendation System for LFD/LFR content. You get vanity rewards at various commendation thresholds, and people largely won’t commend players who are being jerks. This system skews toward tanks and healers when no one stands out in a good way, but it does give people a REASON to at least fake being nice with strangers.
But all of that said, it depends somewhat on the realm, too. I played on Balmung during Stormblood and their city chat in the current hub was a lot more familiar to me as a WoW player playing on relatively high, but not insanely packed, servers.
ESO is a solo game to tide people over until TES6 and you can’t convince me otherwise.
Try other MMORPGs. FFXIv is a 10/10 game, so is ESO. I’ve played both and currently playing FFXIV and ESO later and only raidlogging WoW due to the poor state of shadowlands.
Play indie games, don’t play another MMO, you’ll just get burnt more and more.