I am done!

Just kidding , these changes were needed regardless of how some of us feel. The pvp nerf was coming we all knew it and it wasent that bad.

The pve bug fix was needed for sure and instead of 2.00x damage from mastery its now at 1.88x which honestly isnt a issue .

Now we will watch the flavor of the month players move on finally


Yeah this was far from the “TO THE GROUND!!!” nerfs we were all afraid of. Warranted and narrowly targeted. I’m never happy about nerfs, but I’m not going to be getting my pitchfork and complaining about this one.

MM being FotM wasn’t all bad, it made it much easier to get pugs than it was in BfA.

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link to the patch notes? can’t find anything you guys are talking about


Look at hot fixes for 1207

thanks, I was looking right over it. well boys time to re-roll, hunters dead.


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Totally agree with this. The nerfs were so small I dont even have to switch specs which makes me happy , and I cant 1 gcd kill someone which makes everyone else happy. Win/win

Meanwhile - other classes still can.

And when the blanket defensive buff comes - MM will be left with nothing, because there’s no chance this gets reverted.

The only nerf I see in patch notes is to wild spirits?

For now.

MM’s oneshots were highly visible. With MM oneshots out of the picture, other overperforming classes will now catch the ire of people who don’t like to be killed in BGs.

WS isn’t a nerf, it’s a bug fix (which reduces damage) and a buff. PvP nerfs are in the PvP section, further down the page.

The second aimed shot from double tap had its damage reduced by 50% in pvp

I had to scroll way down for that. Thanks.

Not sure what you mean. This absolutely places MM hunters into easy kill territory. They cant burst anything down before the target pops defensives and closes the gap to obliterate them. Kiting is obsolete with current class abilities able to close every bit of distance the hunter can create and grapple/slow mechanics being present on nearly everyone.

RIP MM hunters in BGs and id hate to see how small of an arena presence this creates for them.

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ill still get to 2400 as mm not worried about it. We have a ton of tools in the toolshed to create distance itll be fine


Get it, im holding you to it!.

Disclaimer - mean this in the most supportive way possible.


my partner is a rogue it shouldnt be to bad. insta melt a target and work down the other hopefully

I guess it’s back to Double Tap Rapid Fire only? Kind of disappointing.

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explosive shot as well but yeah

uhh what?

We have tons of tools to make and maintain distance. Disengage, exp trap, bursting shot, concussive shot, tar trap, binding shot, can even use scatter shot or ice trap to open a gap if need be. Not counting concussive or tar (since they don’t actually make a gap, just helps maintain one) we have 6 ways we can knock back or lock down our enemies to gain distance, most of them on pretty short cooldowns. Even demon hunters don’t have 6 gap closers they can spam back to back. With all them tools at our disposal if you can’t manage to kite, that’s a problem between your chair and keyboard.


1550 experience hunter says it, so it must be true. Please. I don’t have much experience, at least I’ve been 2k, which is pretty much bottom of the barrel still, but bro, please.

Nice ad-hom while completely ignoring the actual content of my post.

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